We prove the following properties:(1)Let a∈Λ_(1,0,k,k’)^(m0)(R^(n)×R^(n))with m0=-1|1/p-1/2|(n-1),n≥2(1 n/p,k’>0;2≤p≤∞,k>n/2,k’>0 respectively).Suppose the phase function S is positively homogeneous inξ-variables,non-degenerate and satisfies certain conditions.Then the Fourier integral operator T is L^(p)-bounded.Applying the method of(1),we can obtain the L^(p)-boundedness of the Fourier integral operator if(2)the symbol a∈Λ_(1,δ,k,k’)^(m0),0≤δ≤1,with m0,k,k’and S given as in(1).Also,the method of(1)gives:(3)a∈Λ_(1,δ,k,k’),0≤δ<1 and k,k’given as in(1),then the L^(p)-boundedness of the pseudo-differential operators holds,1<p<∞.