
翻身戏、城市电影与解放区文艺——从电影《姊姊妹妹站起来》看新中国成立初期文艺生产机制 被引量:1

Dramas about Liberation,City Films and Cultural Works in Liberated Areas:From the Film,Sisters,Stand Up,to Cultural Production Mechanisms in the Early Days of New China
摘要 《姊姊妹妹站起来》是由陈西禾担任编导、上海文华影片公司于1951年2月出品的故事片,具有独特的电影史与文学史意义。不同于其他新中国成立初期上海私营电影厂出品的电影,《姊姊妹妹站起来》的主人公塑造与叙事结构表现出了对解放区“翻身戏”的吸收与转化。而《姊姊妹妹站起来》的剧本生产过程提示我们,在“北京市妇女生产教养院”这一特殊城市空间之中,上海私营电影厂导演陈西禾从其女性关怀与20世纪40年代上海城市电影的“纪实美学”追求出发,通向了解放区翻身戏的“真人真事”创作。在以往的文学史叙述中,解放区文艺与旧有城市文艺资源之间产生的对立与冲突往往得到强调;而城市电影《姊姊妹妹站起来》对解放区“翻身戏”的吸收与转化表明,解放区文艺与旧有城市文艺或许也存在产生“化合作用”的可能性。 Sisters,Stand Up,a film produced by Shanghai Wenhua film company in February 1951 and directed by Chen Xihe,was unique and significant in both the film and the literary history.Different from the films produced by other private film factories in Shanghai at the beginning of the People’s Republic of China,Sister,Stand Up absorbed and transformed the“dramas about liberation(‘Fanshen’)”in the Liberated Areas in relation to its portrait of the protagonist and its narrative structure.The production of Sisters,Stand Up reminded us that in the special urban space of“Beijing Women’s Production and Correctional Institute”,Chen Xihe,a director of Shanghai private film studio,was able to create“real people and real events”in close proximity to“dramas about Fanshen”in the Liberated Areas out of his compassion for women and his pursuit of“documentary aesthetics”popular in Shanghai urban film productions in the 1940s.In the previous narration of literary history,contradictions and conflicts in resources between literature and art production in the Liberated Areas and those in cities outside the Liberated Areas are often highlighted.However,the absorption and transformation of the“dramas about Fanshen”in the Liberated Areas through the production of the city film,Sisters,Stand Up,demonstrates that there is a possibility that the two types of literature and art productions could,at some levels,come together.
作者 查苏娜 CHA Su-na(Department of Chinese Language and Literature,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200241,China)
出处 《妇女研究论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第1期90-101,共12页 Journal of Chinese Women's Studies
关键词 姊姊妹妹站起来 陈西禾 文华影片公司 翻身戏 解放区文艺 城市电影 Sisters Stand Up Chen Xihe Wenhua Film Production Company dramas about liberation literature and art in the Liberated Areas city film
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