

On the Public Interpretation of Research of Book of Changes in Pre-Qin Era:A Discussion on the Evolution from the Yi-Ology of Official Scholars to Yi-Ology of Confucians
摘要 当下的阐释学大讨论,已经从概念的探讨进入理论建构阶段,实现了由“破”到“立”的转化。在此背景下,以典范的阐释现象为研究范本,将当下热议的一系列阐释学范畴融汇到中国阐释学实践中很有必要。先秦易学便是这样的鲜活范本。对《周易》经传关系的梳理,可以探讨传统易学中那些暌违了历史事实的所谓“非历史阐释”的表现形式和衡量尺度;对春秋“士易学共同体”的描绘,可以寻绎公共阐释的“有效性”等问题,更创造性地启发了先秦易学阐释的“士易学”阶段,为易学阐释史的分期断代提供新角度、新思路;而考察“士易学”到“儒门易”阐释范式的转变,正可印证“公共理性”的历史性及其“隐”与“显”等议题。总的说来,注重阐释效应的“公共阐释”研究,为先秦易学提供了新的视角和方法论,这种“自下而上”的阐释研究可以成为中国文学阐释学的鲜活样例。 The modern discussion of hermeneutics in China has turned from debating on fundamental concepts to probing into the construction of theories,motivating itself into the phase of establishment from the phase of dismantling.Under such circumstances,the integration of series categories of hermeneutics which were under hot debate into the practice of Chinese Hermeneutics acquired significant necessity.The study of Yi-ology in Pre-Qin era is just such a most typical sample.The combing of the interrelationship between the classics as well as the commentaries of the Book of Changes,could provide new measurement of the forms and meters of the A-Historical Interpretation that traditionally neglects the facts of history;the description of the communities of the Yi-ology of the official scholars could probe into the effectiveness of the public interpretation and,furthermore,it enlightened the separation of new phase,and providing new angle and new thoughts;the study of the turn from Yi-ology of official scholars to Confucians,and therefore verifying the historicity of the public theology and its implicitness and explicitness and so on.In conclusion,the study of the public interpretation which focus on the effects of interpretation provided new angles of view and new methodologies for the research of Yi-ology,and this upward study of the classic of the Book of Changes could also offer a totally fresh and active sample for the discussion of the establishment of Chinese hermeneutics.
作者 窦可阳 DOU Ke-yang
机构地区 吉林大学文学院
出处 《吉林大学社会科学学报》 北大核心 2023年第1期159-168,239,共11页 Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目(19ZDA264) 国家社会科学基金项目(22BZW056)。
关键词 阐释学 先秦易学 公共阐释 士易学 hermeneutics Yi-ology in pre-Qin era public interpretation Yi-ology of official scholars
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