
大学生同步在线学习行为意向的实证研究 被引量:1

An Empirical Study on College Students’Behavioral Intention of Synchronous Online Learning
摘要 后疫情期时代同步在线学习何去何从?为了获得影响大学生同步在线学习行为意向的各个因素,研究结合计划行为理论、技术接受模型及学生个体要素构建结构方程模型,通过问卷调查、相关性分析、路径分析和影响效应分析加以验证。研究结果表明,大学生对同步在线学习的感知有用性、行为态度对其线上学习行为意向有直接的、显著的正向影响;主观规范对行为意向无直接影响;大学生对同步在线学习行为意向的影响效应从强至弱依次是感知有用性、主观规范、行为态度、信息素养、便利性。由此,实现同步在线学习常态化,学习空间的变化不仅需要师生更高阶的信息素养加持,教师还应从学习任务要求、学习目标分解上使学生的本性得以释放,来形成更加持久的内在动机,并且教师需要构建及时的、多元的、有深度的交互,促成更加紧密的学习共同体。 Where is Synchronous Online Learning heading in the post-epidemic era?In order to obtain the influencing factors of college students’synchronous online learning behavior intention,the study combines the theory of planned behavior,technology acceptance model and students’individual factors to construct a structural equation model,which is verified by questionnaire survey,correlation analysis,path analysis and effect analysis.The results show that college students’perceived usefulness and behavioral attitude have a direct and significant positive impact on their online learning behavioral intention.Subjective norms have no direct impact on behavioral intention;the total effect of college students on behavioral intention of synchronous online learning from strong to weak is perceived usefulness,subjective norm,behavioral attitude,information literacy and convenience.Therefore,in order to realize the normalization of synchronous online learning,the change of learning space not only requires the support of higher-level information literacy of teachers and students,but also requires teachers to release students’nature from the decomposition of learning tasks and learning objectives,so as to form a more lasting intrinsic motivation,and teachers need to build a timely,diversified and in-depth interaction to promote a closer learning community.
作者 廖倩 兰诺 谢敏君 LIAO Qian;LAN Nuo;XIE Min-Jun(Nanning Normal University,Nanning,Guangxi,530001;Guangxi Vocatinal&Technical College,Nanning,Guangxi,530226)
出处 《广州广播电视大学学报》 2023年第1期45-50,109,110,共8页 Journal of Guangzhou Open University
关键词 后疫情 同步在线学习 结构方程模型 计划行为理论 技术接受模型 post-epidemic synchronous online learning structural equation modeling theory of planned behavior technology acceptance model
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