
冀东地区黍子(Panicum miliaceum L.)不同品系(种)农艺性状及产量比较

Comparison of Agronomic Traits and Yield of Different Varieties(Lines)of Panicum miliaceum L.in Eastern Hebei Province
摘要 为了筛选出冀东地区适宜栽培的黍子(Panicum miliaceum L.)新品系,以晋黍8号为对照,对由河北省农林科学院提供的5个黍子高代新品系(JKS274,JKS711,JKS1025,JKS2143,JKS2869)的株型性状、穗部性状和产量等进行了对比试验。结果表明:5个黍子品系的产量、千粒质量、主穗粒质量存在较大差异,株高和主穗长差异较小。JKS2143的产量显著高于对照,较对照增产12.60%,其次为JKS2869,较对照增产1.94%,JKS1025和JKS711显著低于对照。JKS2143和JKS2869的千粒质量显著高于对照,JKS274和JKS1025与对照相比差异不显著,JKS711显著低于对照。主穗粒质量最突出的为JKS274,高于对照,但与对照差异不显著;其余4个品系均显著低于对照。黍子各性状与产量的相关性由高到低的排列顺序为:千粒质量,穗粒质量,主茎节数,分蘖数,主穗长,单株穗数,株高,成穗率。5个黍子高代品系中,JKS2143和JKS2869的综合性状较好,适宜在冀东地区栽培。 The plant type traits,ear traits,and yield of five millet high generation new lines(JKS274,JKS711,JKS1025,JKS2143,JKS2869)provided by Hebei Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences were compared to screen out new lines of millet(Panicum miliaceum L.)suitable for cultivation in eastern Hebei Province.The results showed significant differences in yield,1000 grain weight,and grain weight of main panicle,and small differences in plant height and main panicle length among the five millet varieties.The yield of JKS2143 was significantly higher than that of the control,increased by 12.60%,followed by JKS2869,increased by 1.94%,and JKS1025 and JKS711 were significantly lower than that of the control.The 1000 grain weight of JKS2143 and JKS2869 was significantly higher than that of the control,there was no significant difference bewtten JKS274,JKS1025 and the control,and that of JKS711 was significantly lower than the control.The most prominent grain quality of the main spike was JKS274,which was higher than that of the control,but the difference was not significant,while that of the other four lines were significantly lower than that of the control.The order of correlation between other characters and yield from high to low was:1000 grain weight,grain weight per ear,number of nodes of main stem,number of tillers,length of main ear,number of ears per plant,plant height,percentage of ears.JKS2143 and JKS2869 had better comprehensive characters among the five millet high generation lines,which were suitable for cultivation in the eastern Hebei Province region.
作者 马浩雄 李海权 郭振清 王健 韩玉翠 林小虎 MA Haoxiong;LI Haiquan;GUO Zhenqing;WANG Jian;HAN Yucui;LIN Xiaohu(Hebei Key Laboratory of Crop Stress Biology,Qinhuangdao,Hebei,066004;College of Agronomy and Biotechnology,Hebei Normal University of Science and Technology;Institute of Millet Crops,Hebei Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences,China)
出处 《河北科技师范学院学报》 CAS 2022年第4期1-6,共6页 Journal of Hebei Normal University of Science & Technology
基金 国家“十三五”重点研发项目(项目编号:2019YFD1001701) 河北省现代农业产业技术体系创新团队(杂粮杂豆)项目(项目编号:HBCT2018070404)。
关键词 黍子 农艺性状 品系筛选 冀东地区 Panicum miliaceum L agronomic characters screening of lines eastern Hebei Province
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