

On the Art of "Emotion" and "Voice" Employed by Guides from the Perspective of "Three-Way Education"——Impression On the Xinjiang Unit of the Theme Exhibition entitled "Striving in the New Era"
摘要 “奋进新时代”主题成就展是国家重点展览,展览过程中的讲解工作质量将直接影响展会的质量。因此,选拔讲解员是极其重要的。大学生参加成就展讲解是新疆艺术学院积极探索实践育人、深入推进“三全育人”的教学示范案例,也是培养时代新人的新工作路径。通过对讲解员“情”与“声”的培养,这支讲解队伍的业务素质得到了提升。本文从讲解要求、讲解员的情感培育和讲解员有声语言表达入手,对讲解艺术进行深入探讨,以期为发挥高校社会实践育人功能提供有效借鉴。 The "Striving in the New Era" theme exhibition is a national key exhibition. The interpretation of the guides is directly linked to the quality of the exhibition, so the selection of interpreters and guides is particularly important. The college students’ participation in the theme exhibition is a teaching demonstration case of Xinjiang Arts University, which is aimed to actively exploring practical education and promoting teaching demonstration cases embodying the "three-way education". it is also a new work path to cultivate talents of the new era. The improvement of the professional quality of the guides is mainly reflected in their cultivation of "emotion" and "voice". This paper makes an in-depth discussion on the art of interpretation for the guides in terms of the requirements for the guides, the emotional cultivation for the guides, and their vocal language expression, in attempt to provide effective reference on the education function of the social practice for colleges and universities.
作者 彭潇霞 刘惠彬 Peng Xiaoxia;Liu Huibin(Xinjiang Arts University,Urumqi 830049)
机构地区 新疆艺术学院
出处 《新疆艺术学院学报》 2023年第1期29-34,共6页 Journal of Xinjiang Arts University
基金 2021年度新疆维吾尔自治区高校本科教育教学研究和改革项目《“三全育人”视域下团队合作模式对大学生研究性学习能力培养的探究——以〈影视声音创作〉课程实践教学为例》(项目编号:PT-2021046)阶段性成果。
关键词 讲解艺术 情感植入 有声语言 Art of Interpretation Emotional Implantation Vocal Language
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