To counter pathogen invasion,plants have evolved a large number of immune receptors,including membrane-resident pattern recognition receptors(PRRs)and intracellular nucleotide-binding and leucine-rich repeat receptors(NLRs).Our knowledge about PRR and NLR signaling mechanisms has expanded significantly over the past few years.Plant NLRs form multi-protein complexes called resistosomes in response to pathogen effectors,and the signaling mediated by NLR resistosomes converges on Ca2+-permeable channels.Ca2+-permeable channels important for PRR signaling have also been identified.These findings highlight a crucial role of Ca2+in triggering plant immune signaling.In this review,we first discuss the structural and biochemical mechanisms of non-canonical NLR Ca2+channels and then summarize our knowledge about immune-related Ca2+-permeable channels and their roles in PRR and NLR signaling.We also discuss the potential role of Ca2+in the intricate interaction between PRR and NLR signaling.
Young Elite Scientists Sponsorship Program by CAST(grant YESS20210018 to J.W.)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(grant 32271253 to J.W.)
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation(professorship to J.C.)
Max-Planck-Gesellschaft(a Max Planck fellowship to J.C.)
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft(grant SFB-1403-414786233 to J.C.)
Germany's Excellence Strategy CEPLAS(EXC-2048/1,project 390686111 to J.C.).