

Research on the application of syndrome differentiation and health care of Dendrobium officinale
摘要 铁皮石斛为滋阴要药,具有“益胃生津、滋阴清热”之功效,适用于胃阴虚、肾阴虚之证候。目前铁皮石斛保健产品的批准功能大多为增强免疫力,但其适用人群并不是按照中医证型分类来确定。为体现中医辨证保健的优势特色和指导大健康产品的合理应用,文章通过归纳总结分析有关保健功能-证候相结合的动物模型开展的铁皮石斛功效辨证研究,认为:(1)铁皮石斛长于滋养胃阴,清胃热,对胃热证、胃肠燥热证、脾胃湿热证动物模型均具有良好的保健功能。通过胃寒证动物模型反证主流铁皮石斛保健产品存在配方偏寒凉的弊端,并基于胃寒证免疫力低下动物模型开发适用于胃寒人群的铁皮石斛保健配方产品。(2)铁皮石斛滋阴益肾,补肾积精,可用于肾阴亏虚之证,对肾阴虚证动物模型具有明显的保健作用。现有含铁皮石斛的保健品配方也有与补肾阳药配伍组合的,此类产品通过辨证配伍可阴中求阳,改善肾阳虚症状,适用于肾阳虚体质群体。(3)铁皮石斛滋养肺阴,能清肺热,治肺阴不足,对肺阴虚证动物模型具有润肺清咽的保健功能。通过铁皮石斛辨证保健的应用研究,展示其药性功效特色与优势,丰富和完善铁皮石斛保健产品功能,细分产品适用人群,为铁皮石斛的合理使用和保健开发提供指导,促进铁皮石斛养生保健产业的持续健康发展。 Dendrobium officinale is an essential medicine for nourishing yin,which has the effect of ‘nourishing stomach and promoting body fluid,nourishing yin and clearing away heat’,and is suitable for the syndrome of stomach yin deficiency and kidney yin deficiency. At present,most of the approved functions of Dendrobium officinale health care products are to enhance immunity,but the applicable population is not determined according to the classification of TCM syndrome types. In order to reflect the advantages of TCM syndrome differentiation and health care and guide the rational application of big health productsthrough the induction,summary and analysis of the dialectical study on the efficacy of Dendrobium officinale carried out by the animal model of the combination of health care function and syndrome,the article believes that:(1)Dendrobium officinale is good at nourishing the stomach yin,clearing the stomach heat,and has good health care function for the animal model of stomach heat syndrome,gastrointestinal dry-heat syndrome,and spleen-stomach dampheat syndrome. Through the animal model of stomach cold syndrome proved that the mainstream Dendrobium officinale health care products have the disadvantage of cold and cold formula,and based on the animal model of low immunity of stomach cold syndrome,develop Dendrobium officinale health care formula products suitable for people with stomach cold.(2)Dendrobium officinale can nourish yin and benefit kidney,replenish kidney and accumulate essence that can be used for the syndrome of kidney yin deficiency,and has obvious health care effect on the animal model of kidney yin deficiency. The existing formula of health care products containing Dendrobium officinale is also combined with Chinese herbs for tonifying kidney and yang. Such products can seek yang from yin and improve the symptoms of kidney yang deficiency through syndrome differentiation and compatibility,and are applicable to the group with kidney yang deficiency.(3)Dendrobium officinale can nourish lung yin,clear lung heat,treat deficiency of lung yin,and has the health care function of moistening lung and clearing heat from throat for animal model of lung yin deficiency. Through the application research of Dendrobium officinale on syndrome differentiation and health care,show its medicinal properties and advantages,enrich and improve the functions of health care products,subdivide the applicable groups of products,provide guidance for the rational use and health care development of Dendrobium officinale,and promote the health care industry of Dendrobium officinale sustainable and healthy development.
作者 郑祥 吕圭源 陈素红 ZHENG Xiang;LYU Gui-yuan;CHEN Su-hong(Collaborative Innovation Center of Yangtze River Delta Region Green Pharmaceuticals,Zhejiang University of Technology,Hangzhou 310014,China;College of Pharmaceutical Science,Zhejiang Chinese Medical University,Hangzhou 310053,China)
出处 《中华中医药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第2期737-741,共5页 China Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy
基金 国家重点研发计划(No.2017YFC1702202)。
关键词 铁皮石斛 辨证保健 滋阴益胃 滋阴益肾 滋阴润肺 Dendrobium officinale Syndrome differentiation and health care Nourishing yin and benefiting stomach Nourishing yin and tonifying kidney Nourishing yin and moistening lung
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