
对《立法法(修正草案)》的审思:从七个重点问题展开 被引量:7

Reflection on the Draft Amendment to the Legislation Law:Seven Key Issues
摘要 修改《立法法》,应当确立习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想在立法工作中的指导地位,将坚持和发展全过程人民民主确立为立法的基本原则。但是,如果对《立法法》关于“一个中心,两个基本点”的明确规定做删改,似乎与二十大报告和习近平总书记的重要讲话不符。立法要弘扬核心价值观,坚持依法治国和以德治国相结合,这是习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的应有之义,可以不做规定。对改革与法治的关系,不宜在法律条文中多作规定。《立法法》关于授权暂时调整或者暂时停止法律部分规定的适用之规定,大体是适当的,如果再扩大范围,容易产生风险和弊端。2021年修改的《地方组织法》,已为设立基层立法联系点和开展区域协同立法提供了法律依据,《立法法》不必再对这两类事项做规定。法典编纂的事项,也不宜作为法定的要求予以规定。本次《立法法》的修改应当有所为,有所不为。 In the revision of the Legislation Law,the guiding position of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era in legislative work should be established.Adhering to and advancing the whole-process people’s democracy should be established as the basic principle of legislation.However,if the explicit provisions of the Legislation Law on“one central task,two basic points”are deleted or changed,it seems inconsistent with the report of the 20th CPC National Congress and Xi Jinping’s keynote speeches.Legislation should carry forward core values and uphold both law-based governance and virtue-based governance.This is integral to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics,thus can be left unstipulated.It is not appropriate to include more provisions on the relationship between reform and the rule of law.The Legislation Law’s authorization to temporarily adjust or suspend the application of some provisions of the law is generally appropriate,and if the scope is further expanded,risks and drawbacks are likely to arise.The Local Organic Law amended in 2021 has provided a legal basis for the establishment of local legislative outreach offices and the advancement of regional coordinated legislation.The Legislation Law no longer needs to provide for them further.Nor should codification be prescribed as a statutory requirement.The current revision of the Legislation Law should be more focused to be more effective.
作者 刘松山 Liu Songshan
出处 《交大法学》 2023年第2期20-30,共11页 SJTU Law Review
基金 山东大学“国家治理能力现代化创新研究”项目的阶段性成果。
关键词 《立法法》修正 “一个中心 两个基本点” 授权改革试点 基层立法联系点 区域协同立法 Amendment to Legislation Law “One Central Task Two Basic Points” Authorized Reform Pilot Local Legislative Outreach Offices Regional Coordinated Legislation
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