阐述了对于非均匀有理 B样条 (NURBS)技术和渐近物理光学法来计算电大尺寸目标单站雷达散射截面(RCS)的方法。在 RCS的计算中是将散射体表面的物理光学积分通过参数变换为 NURBS参数域上的二重积分 ,利用驻定相位法得出组合 NURBS表面的散射场。并与其他的方法进行比较 。
Presents a method for the computation of the mono- static radar cross section(RCS) of electrically large conducting objects modeled by non- uniform rational B- spline (NU RBS) surface using physical optics (PO) techniques. During the computation of RCS we transform the physical optics integral over the surfaces of the scatterer into the dual integral of nurbs parameter field. By using the stationary phase method we obtain the physical optics scatter field of combinatorial nurbs regions.The results obtained are in good agreement with other techniques values.
Modern Electronics Technique
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