
执行时效排除规则的困境及其破解 被引量:1

The Predicament of Exclusion Rule of Execution Statute of Limitations and Its Solution
摘要 《民事诉讼法》第261条“债权人发现被执行人有其他财产的,可以随时请求人民法院执行”一直被解释为申请执行期间适用的排除规则,并得到《民诉法解释》第515条和第517条“终结本次执行程序”规则的确认,但其实该解释与2007年后申请执行期间的“时效”转向相冲突。《强制执行法(草案)》第83条将“自终结本次执行程序之日起满五年且未发现被执行人可供执行的财产”作为执行终结事由之一,虽有否定执行时效排除规则的意味,但它一方面使得申请执行期间走回“期限”定性的老路,另一方面有苛责权利人之嫌。《民事诉讼法》第261条中“可以随时请求人民法院执行”是对“申请执行权不消灭”的操作性强调,也是对“债权未消灭”的程序性回应,与执行时效无关。终本程序的执行时效后果应直接适用《民法典》第195条“时效中断”规则,产生“从有关程序终结时起,时效期间重新计算”的效果。 Article 261 of the Civil Procedure Law stipulates that “if the creditor finds that the person subjected to execution has other property, he can request the people’ s court to execute at any time”,which has been interpreted as an exclusion rule applicable during the period of application for execution,and has been confirmed by the rules of Article 515 and Article 517 of the Judicial Interpretation of the Civil Procedure Law “termination of current execution procedure”, but in fact, this interpretation conflicts with the “statute of limitations” shift in the period of application for execution after 2007. Article 83 of the Compulsory Execution Law(Draft) takes “five years from the date of the termination of current execution procedure and no property available for execution has been found by the person subjected to execution” as one of the reasons for the termination of execution. Although it means negating the exclusion rule of execution statute of limitations, on the one hand, it makes the period of application for execution go back to the old way of the “time limit” characterization;on the other hand, it is suspected of harsh blaming the rights-holder. Therefore, it is urgent to rethink the systematization of the exclusion rule of execution statute of limitations. In Article 261 of the Civil Procedure Law, “the court may be requested to execute at any time” is an operational emphasis on “the right to apply for execution does not extinguish”, and it is also a procedural response to “the creditor’s right does not extinguish”, which has nothing to do with execution statute of limitations. The consequences of execution statute of limitations of the termination of current execution procedure shall be directly applicable to the rule of “interruption of limitation” in Article 195 of the Civil Code, which has the effect of “the limitation period shall be recalculated from the termination of the relevant procedure”.
作者 霍海红 HUO Hai-hong(Guanghua Law School,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310008,China)
出处 《现代法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第1期182-193,共12页 Modern Law Science
基金 霍英东青年基金项目“民事实体法规则的程序法分析”(151089)。
关键词 执行时效 申请执行期限 终本程序 时效中断 执行终结 execution statute of limitations the period of application for execution termination of current execution procedure interruption of limitation termination of execution
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