
气候安全与霸权护持:美国气候安全战略的全球推进 被引量:11

Climate Security and Hegemonic Maintenance:Global Promotion of the US Climate Security Strategy
摘要 随着气候地缘对世界格局变迁影响的不断增强,气候安全逐步成为霸权护持的新型塑造变量,即霸权国以气候威胁识别与安全保障为抓手,全面提升自身在全球低碳转型中的军事、经济、制度和话语霸权。经过二十余年的气候议题安全化进程,美国已形成较为完备的气候安全战略。拜登政府将应对气候危机全面嵌入内政外交之中,通过多种路径推进其气候安全战略,包括凝聚盟友气候危机共识并启动北约气候安全框架;增强军队气候韧性以推进全球气候地缘敏感地区的军事部署;强化美国在绿色技术联盟与清洁能源供应链中的主导地位;提升自身在全球气候安全治理中的议题设置权与话语权;在“印太”框架下主导符合气候安全与人权规则的可持续基建标准等。但美国这种“国家安全至上”的全球气候安全拓展路径难以在国家安全目标和人类安全目标之间达成平衡,气候危机应对需要兼顾广大发展中国家的权益,在“发展—安全”理念基础上推进平衡、协调、包容的全球气候安全治理新秩序。 As early as the beginning of the 21st century,the potential threat of climate change was first captured by the US military and intelligence agencies,and then entered the US government’s security agenda.Due to the efforts made by the Democratic administrations of Obama and Biden,the United States has formed a relatively complete climate security strategy.With the increasing impact of climate geopolitics on the world landscape,the United States begins to regard global promotion of its climate security strategy as an important means to comprehensively enhance the US military,economic,institutional and discourse hegemony in the global process of low-carbon transformation.The Biden administration has fully embedded the response to the climate crisis into the US domestic and foreign policies,and spared no efforts to promote its global climate security strategy in a variety of ways like creating consensus on the climate crisis among its allies,launching NATO’s climate security framework,consolidating the US Army’s climate resilience and promoting its military deployment in climate geography-sensitive areas across the globe,expanding the US-led green technology alliance and clean energy supply chain,enhancing its leadership of agenda setting and scientific discourse in global climate security governance,strengthening military cooperation on dealing with global climate risks,as well as promoting sustainable infrastructure standards in line with climate security and human rights rules under the Indo-Pacific framework.However,this expansion path featuring “national security first” in global climate security participation is difficult to strike a balance between national security objectives and human security objectives and highlights the tension between US national climate security and global climate security.Coping with climate crisis calls for comprehensive consideration of the rights and interests of developing countries so as to promote a balanced,coordinated and inclusive new order of global climate security governance based on the “development-security” concept.
作者 李昕蕾 LI Xinlei(Institute of Contemporary Socialism,Shandong University,Jinan,250100;School of Political Science and Public Administration,Shandong University,Jinan,250100)
出处 《国际安全研究》 北大核心 2023年第2期81-109,159,共30页 Journal of International Security Studies
基金 2021年度国家社会科学基金一般项目“中国积极参与全球清洁能源治理体系变革的战略研究”(项目编号:21BGJ047)的阶段性成果。
关键词 气候安全 美国战略 霸权护持 气候地缘 全球气候安全治理 climate security the United States’strategy hegemonic maintenance climate geopolitics global climate security governance
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