
继承与转型:法国大学教师评价体系研究 被引量:1

Succession and Transformation:A Study on the Evaluation System of University Teachers in France
摘要 院校与学科是基于高等教育系统的矩阵结构认识和评价学术职业的双重维度。法国大学教师评价体系由“标准化”“弱激励”的制度设计和“重教学”“强定性”的范式选择构成,在制度和理念层面存在聘任制度不适当、激励问责与退出机制不健全,评价内容侧重尚未理顺、评价方法选择仍不协调等一系列亟待解决的问题。法国大学教师评价体系今日之形态及问题,仍保留着国家主义政治哲学在评价制度设计中的深刻痕迹和中世纪行会传统在学术评价中的浓厚影响。尽管积弊重重的庞大体系仍在以渐进方式缓慢变革,但从短期评价到长期考察、从政府主导到多方参与的转型方向正在重塑大学教师评价制度,从学术自治到学术自律、从科教分离到科教融合的变革趋势正在夯实学术共同体实施同行评议的合法性基础,为我国提供了超越国家边界和民族特质的普遍参考。 Institution and disciplines are based on the matrix structure of the higher education system to recognize and evaluate academic career.The evaluation system of French university teachers is composed of the system design of"standardization","weak incentive"and the paradigm selection of"emphasis on teaching"and"strong qualitative".There are a series of problems that need to be solved urgently,such as inappropriate employment system,imperfect incentive accountability and exit mechanism,unreasonable evaluation content and uncoordinated evaluation method selection.The form and problems of the evaluation system of French university teachers today still retain the profound traces of the nationalist political philosophy in the design of the evaluation system,and the strong influence of the medieval guild tradition in academic evaluation.Although the huge system with many drawbacks is still slowly changing in a gradual way,the transformation direction from short-term evaluation to long-term investigation,from government led to multi-party participation is reshaping the university teacher evaluation system,and the transformation trend from academic autonomy to academic self-discipline,from separation of science and education to integration of science and education is consolidating the legitimacy foundation for the academic community to implement peer review,It provides a universal reference for our country to transcend national boundaries and national characteristics.
作者 公钦正 GONG Qinzheng(School of Education,Renmin University of China,Beijing 100872,China)
出处 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第1期113-128,共16页 Studies in Foreign Education
基金 2022年度中国人民大学交叉科学研究院“交叉创新研究计划”项目“数据密集型哲学社会科学建设的国际经验与启示”。
关键词 法国 大学教师评价 评价改革 国家主义 行会传统 France evaluation of university teacher evaluation reform nationalism guild tradition
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