
“民族互嵌”的理论依据与行动准则——基于中华民族共同体建设的社会整合视角 被引量:2

Theoretical Basis and Action Guidelines of“Ethnic Inter-Embedded”:From the Perspective of Social Integration Aimed at the Construction of the Chinese National Community
摘要 “民族互嵌”是不同民族的人居空间、关系网络、心理素质相互融通、彼此吸收,使社会一体性和国族认同度不断提高的过程和现象,其必要性源于国家整合族际社会、推进国族建设的根本利益:空间互嵌可为个体成员的跨族交往提供便利,关系互嵌可为族际关系的网状延展和交往规范的传输积累创设情境,心理素质互嵌基于公民身份辨识和国族共同体感知发生。通过人居空间、社会关系、心理素质的相互嵌入,作为个体的民族成员、作为群体的传统民族均被整合进国族共同体,由此中华民族的实体性社会基础得以巩固,亦有助于国族认同的提升。 The People’s Republic of China is a nation-state whose national power belongs to the Chinese nation.On the one hand,nation building of China needs to unite all its ethnicities as one within the institutional framework of the Chinese nation through political integration;on the other hand,it is also necessary to transform and blend the individual members of all ethnicities into homogeneous citizens who share the same citizenship and identify with the same nation through social integration.However,findings show communication across ethnicities at the social level is still not deep enough.In addition to the factual national conditions that ethnic minorities’compact communities overlap administrative divisions,a regional society divided by ethnicities may become a potential shackle delaying the process of national integration.That is to say,the political and social integration of the country,aiming to promote nation construction,are not completely synchronized.In the context of relatively accelerated political integration,this study concludes it is necessary to eliminate the alienation between the various regional societies,lay a good social foundation for integration,and accelerate the promotion of cross-cultural social integration among the different ethnic communities.With the help of Michael Mann’s discussion on the“basic power”of the state and Habermas’s communicative action theory,this paper aims to build an analytical framework of why and how the state creates a cross-ethnic society and social integration and in this way promotes national construction:social integration among ethnicities dominated by the state purports to promote effective interpersonal communication,bring members of different ethnicities in an actively related interpersonal community,and achieve personal and group integration;through the natural expansion of a positive social platform,the regional society divided by ethnicities should be condensed into a unified society in order to achieve cross-cultural integration.In this process,the citizenship of national members should be developed from legal conferment to a self-conscious practice.Homogeneous citizenship and integrated ethnic relations can promote the realization of unity among all national members,thus consolidating the social foundation of the nation,maturing the concept of a nation into a concrete and perceptible social community,and further promoting the construction of the Chinese national community.Because of the aforementioned reasons,this article proposes that“Ethnic Inter-Embedded”approach can be used as a template for national construction from theoretical concept to practical implementation.And the promotion of“Ethnic InterEmbedded”demands directing efforts in the following four areas:1)Promote a spatial pattern of interlaced living,and facilitate the cross-ethnic communication of individual members;2)create daily life scenes of cross-ethnic communication,and build a space and time field for expanding cross ethnicities relations and building shared norms and values;3)make the best of effects of socialization of the inter-embedded community,realize the identity transformation of individual members,and improve the prioritization of citizen/national identity recognition over ethnic identity;4)build a national culture of“integration and pluralism”,alleviate the mutual discomfort caused by deep-level cultural differences,and enhance the sense of belonging of individual members to the national community.
作者 裴元圆 罗中枢 Pei Yuanyuan;Luo Zhongshu(Collaborative Innovation Center for Frontier Security and Development in Western China,Sichuan University,Chengdu,610065,Sichuan,China)
出处 《民族学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第9期13-22,154,共11页 Journal of Ethnology
基金 研究阐释党的十九届六中全会精神国家社科基金重大项目“统筹西部边疆地区发展和安全的理论与实践研究”(22ZDA118)阶段性成果。
关键词 民族 中华民族 国族建设 中华民族共同体 社会整合 民族互嵌 nation Chinese nation nation construction Chinese national community social integration ethnic inter-embedded
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