
义务教育新课标背景下道德与法治课程考试试题设计:问题、目标与实现路径 被引量:1

Problems,Goals and Implementation Path in the Design of Test Questions for Morality and Rule of Law Course Under the Background of New Curriculum Standards for Compulsory Education
摘要 培养学生良好的价值规范素养是道德与法治课程的基本目标,价值规范素养体现于价值认同水平。要实现高水平的价值规范认同,需要克服教条遵循教材造成知识对象虚化的问题、盲目遵从标准答案造成学生思维能动空间被窄化的问题和过于注重成绩造成试题设计偏离生活实践的问题。要在明确问题的基础上从价值规范、知识创新和情感沟通3方面找到道德与法治课程考试试题设计改革的目标追求。价值规范目标的实现既要借助于知识创新开阔价值规范认同的理论视角和实践基础,又要借助于情感沟通找到真正能打动人心的价值规范认同方法。基于上述理念,道德与法治课程考试试题设计的路径是:一要通过挖掘价值规范中的榜样示范要素,实现宏观价值的个性表达;二要聚焦那些冲突性的问题情境,践行开放探究式的试题设计理念;三要重视生活逻辑的情感塑造作用,正视学生对问题的理解不仅有是非对错之分,还有立场和角色的差别,学生对价值规范的认同是多方面综合作用的结果;四要制定可操作性的评分标准,以落实试题设计新理念。 Cultivating students’literacy of criteria of value,which are reflected in the level of value identification,is the fundamental goal of the morality and the rule of law course.To achieve high-level identification of criteria of value,we need to overcome the problems of defocused knowledge objects due to textbook-based dogmatism,and students’narrowed thinking and initiative space due to blindly following standard answers,and the deviation of test questions from living practice due to excessive emphasis on academic performance.Based on the identified problems,the goal pursuit of the course should be determined in the three aspects of the criteria of value,knowledge innovation,and emotional communication.To realize the goal of the criteria of value,we should foster knowledge innovation to broaden the theoretical perspective and practical basis for identifying the criteria of value.Meanwhile,emotional communication should be relied on to find approaches that can really touch the public’s hearts.Consequently,when test questions are designed,the personal expression of macro value in the model elements of criteria of value should be first explored.Second,conflicting problems should be highlighted,and open and explorative test questions should be designed.Third,attention should be paid to the emotional shaping role of life logic.It should be understood that not only a distinction between right and wrong but also differences in positions and roles exist in students’understanding of these questions.Students’identification of criteria of value is the result of the joint effort of various aspects.Fourth,practical scoring rubrics should be developed to implement the new concept of test design.
作者 何丽华 HE Lihua(Guizhou University of Finance and Economics,Guiyang 550025,China)
出处 《中国考试》 北大核心 2023年第3期43-51,共9页 journal of China Examinations
基金 贵州财经大学引进高层次人才科研启动项目“马克思主义信仰教育研究”(2019YJ029)。
关键词 义务教育新课标 道德与法治课程 教育评价改革 考试改革 试题命制 new curriculum standards for compulsory education morality and rule of law course education evaluation reform examination reform test development
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