
中国式现代化进程中的旅游发展:意义、挑战与路径 被引量:16

Tourism Development in the Process of Chinese Path to Modernization:Significance,Challenges and Promotion Path
摘要 以中国式现代化全面推进中华民族伟大复兴是党的二十大确立的中心任务。旅游是现代生活方式的重要体现,旅游业是现代服务业的组成部分,承担着实现人的现代化、经济现代化和社会现代化的重要使命,是推进中国式现代化的重要基础和有力支撑。文章从中国式现代化的五大特征出发,系统梳理总结中国式现代化进程中旅游发展的重要意义、现实挑战和推进路径。当前,我国旅游供给和需求适配性不强,旅游促进共同富裕面临多重障碍,文化和旅游融合质量有待提升,可持续旅游发展面临诸多挑战,旅游对提升国家软实力的作用尚未全面发挥。未来,亟须从促进高质量发展、实现共同富裕、深化文化和旅游融合、促进可持续发展和开放合作等方面加以推进。 To comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese path to modernization is the central task established at the 20th National Congress of the CPC. Tourism is an important embodiment of modern lifestyle, and tourism is an integral part of modern service industry. It undertakes the important mission of realizing human modernization, economic modernization and social modernization.In fact, modern tourism development is not only the internal requirement of building a socialist modern power in an all-round way, but also the specific embodiment of Chinese path to modernization in the tourism field, and also an important foundation and strong support for promoting and expanding Chinese path to modernization.Starting from the five characteristics of Chinese path to modernization, this paper systematically combs and summarizes the significance, practical challenges and promotion paths of tourism development in the process of Chinese path to modernization.First, the modernization of a large population means a larger basic market, a more optimized market structure and a higher quality tourism demand.Second, as a comprehensive industry, tourism has the natural attribute of enriching the people and the function of adjusting income distribution, and plays an important role in "making the cake bigger" and "distributing the cake well".Thirdly, the economic function of tourism can consolidate the material conditions for people’s happy life, and its cultural, cognitive and aesthetic functions can give people spiritual nourishment and value guidance.Fourth, as a resource-saving and environment-friendly industry, tourism has unique advantages in coordinating economic development and ecological protection. Fifth, as the best way to spread civilization, exchange culture, enhance friendship and enhance people’s sense of closeness, tourism has special advantages in trade exchanges, national diplomacy and cultural exchanges.At present, the development of tourism faces the following challenges. The structural contradiction between supply and demand in China’s tourism development still exists, which is mainly manifested in the weak adaptability of tourism supply structure, supply quality and public services to demand.Tourism to promote common prosperity faces fundamental obstacles, institutional obstacles, market obstacles and interest linkage obstacles.The integration of culture and tourism is shallow and the integration quality is not high. There are still many problems and challenges to realize sustainable tourism development, which are mainly reflected in resource protection and carbon emissions.The role of tourism in international economic exchanges, political cooperation and cultural exchanges has not yet been fully played.In the future, tourism can be promoted from the following aspects.First, through high-quality development, we can effectively play the supporting role of domestic tourism demand in China’s supply-side structural reform.Second, we should give full play to the role of tourism in achieving common prosperity, provide appropriate policy preferences and guarantees, build a perfect modern market system, and improve a complete social participation mechanism.Third, we should attach importance to the integrated development of culture and tourism, promote the deep integration of culture and tourism in a broader scope, at a deeper level and at a higher level, and also attach importance to the business function of tourism.Fourth, further promote the sustainable development of tourism, firmly establish the concept of green development, promote the construction of ecological civilization system, and strengthen the application of green ecological technology.Fifth, integrate tourism as an important means of foreign exchanges into world peace and development.
作者 宋瑞 刘倩倩 Song Rui;Liu Qianqian(Business School,University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing 102488,China;Business School,Shandong Normal University,Jinan 250014,China)
出处 《旅游论坛》 2023年第1期1-11,共11页 Tourism Forum
基金 中国社会科学院基础学者资助项目“中国旅游发展的学理分析与世界表达”(CXJ2022004)资助。
关键词 中国式现代化 旅游 挑战 路径 Chinese path to modernization tourism challenge path
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