Artificial intelligence emerged along with the fourth industrial revolution.It belongs to the core driving technology of the latest generation of industrial innovation.The implementation of education modernization strategy needs to give full play to the driving role of modern technology and demonstrate the technical value of artificial intelligence for education modernization.The value convergence relationship between artificial intelligence and education modernization is mainly reflected as follows:people⁃oriented is the value basis of the both sides.Artificial intelligence can promote the effective implementation of education modernization strategy,and education modernization can fully manifest the technical advantages of artificial intelligence.The three traditional models in the course of Chinas education modernization practice include the model of taking political orientation as the guidance,the model of taking economic development as the purpose,and the model of taking education innovation as the motivation.At present the model of education modernization goes to the artificial intelligence as the innovation guidance.In order to effectively deal with the potential risks of artificial intelligence promoting education modernization,corresponding legal regulation paths can be taken.Further clarify the legal positioning of artificial intelligence in education,improve the legal protection of citizensrights to education and personal information,establish the basic boundaries for artificial intelligence to intervene in the field of education,and strengthen the criminal responsibility of educational artificial intelligence criminals.There are potential risks in the modernization of education promoted by artificial intelligence,but such risks can be regulated by corresponding laws.The law needs to further clarify the positioning of artificial intelligence in education and in law,and the law also needs to improve the protection of citizensrights to education and personal information.In addition,the law must also establish the basic boundaries of artificial intelligence intervention in the field of education,and strengthen the criminal responsibility of educational artificial intelligence criminals.
Legal Education Research
education modernization
value convergence
educational artificial intelligence
risk response
legal regulation