
中华民族伦理认同框架的规范内核与制度预期——以“社会主义核心价值观”为中心 被引量:3

The Normative Core and Institutional Expectations of the Ethical Identity Framework of the Chinese Nation——Centered on“Chinese Socialist Core Values”
摘要 “社会主义核心价值观”是新时代的重要伦理要旨,对于型构中华民族伦理的认同框架具有引领效能,作为社会“上层建筑”,社会主义核心价值观引领下的中华民族伦理具有承接历史的知识框架、指向当下的共识框架、面向未来的实践框架,形成了“知”“信”“行”结合的整全伦理体系。以社会主义核心价值观引领的中华民族伦理在国家、社会以及个人层面上具有规范性要求,就其规范内核来看,在国家层面上坚持集体主义的能动思维,在社会层面上具有制度理性的治理秩序,在个人层面上具有向往共同良善的道德方向。为了保障这一伦理的实效,应当在制度上坚持中国共产党的领导,建立社会主义现代化国家;坚持依法治国的根本方略,促进社会治理的稳定有序格局;坚持人民主体地位,实现人民教育,促进个人修养的逐步提升,最终实现横亘历史、当下、未来,贯穿国家、社会、个人的整全的中华民族伦理认同框架。 The “Chinese Socialist Core Values” is the key ethical principle of the new era and has a leading effect in shaping the ethical framework of the Chinese nation.As the “Superstructure” of society, the ethics of the Chinese nation, led by the socialist core values, has a framework of knowledge that follows on from history, a framework of consensus that points to the present, and a framework of practice that looks to the future, forming a comprehensive ethical system that combines“knowledge”,“faith” and“action”. As all ethical requirements are social consciousness with a normative function, the ethics of the Chinese nation, led by the socialist core values, also has normative requirements at the state, social and individual levels, and in terms of its normative core, it requires collective and dynamic thinking at the state level, an institutional and rational order of governance at the social level, and a moral direction at the individual level that aspires to the moral direction of the common good. In order to ensure the effectiveness of this ethic, it is necessary to adhere to the leadership of the Communist Party of China and establish a modern socialist state;adhere to the fundamental strategy of ruling the country according to the rule of law and promote a stable and ordered pattern of social governance;adhere to the main position of the people, realize the education of the people and promote the gradual improvement of personal cultivation, so as to realize a comprehensive ethical framework for the Chinese nation that spans history, the present and the future, and cuts across the state, society and the individual.
作者 曹加亮 CAO Jia-liang
机构地区 齐齐哈尔医学院
出处 《青海民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第4期71-77,共7页 Qinghai Journal of Ethnology
基金 黑龙江省教育厅人文社科资助项目“对医学生和执业医师社会主义伦理观问题的研究”(批准号:11532209) 齐齐哈尔市哲学社会科学规划项目“中华优秀文化进校园研究”(批准号:QSX2018-12JL)阶段性成果。
关键词 社会主义核心价值观 中华民族伦理 认同框架 规范要求与制度保障 Chinese Socialist Core Values Chinese national ethics Identity framework Normative requirements and institutional safeguards
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