
中国共产党领导文化创新的伟大历程、主要成就与经验 被引量:1

The Great Course,Main Achievements and Experience of Cultural Innovation under the leadership of the CPC
摘要 一部百年党史也是一部百年文化创新史。中国共产党带领和团结中国人民在新民主主义革命时期推翻“三座大山”,创立新民主主义文化,中国文化走向正确的发展道路。经过社会主义革命和建设,成功实现了新民主主义文化向社会主义文化转变。党的十一届三中全会开启改革开放和社会主义现代化建设新时期,中国文化建设进入新阶段,文化领域取得了一系列新成果。党的十八大以来,中国特色社会主义进入新时代,文化建设开启新征程,建成社会主义文化强国是新目标。中国共产党领导文化创新取得了伟大成就,成功开创了中国特色社会主义文化发展道路,重构了中华文化体系,重塑了中华民族精神,重振了中华民族的文化自信心,有力推动了中华文化向世界文化中心靠近。贯穿于党领导百年文化创新史的基本经验是:加强和改善党的领导是根本保障,坚持用发展的马克思主义指导是根本要求,坚持满足人民文化需要是基本价值取向,聚焦正在做的事情是基本着力点,科学把握与经济政治的关系是基本前提,正确处理“古今中外”是关键。 A centennial party history is also a centennial cultural innovation history.During the period of the New Democratic Revolution,by leading and uniting Chinese people,the Communist Party of China (CPC) overthrew the "three mountains",established the new democratic culture,and led Chinese culture to the right direction of development.Through the socialist revolution and construction,the new democratic culture has been successfully transformed into the socialist culture.The Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee has opened a new period of reform and opening up and socialist modernization,which makes China’s cultural construction enter a new stage,thus enabling the cultural development welcome its spring,with a series of new achievements made in the cultural field.Since the 18th CPC National Congress,the socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era,and the cultural development has embarked on a new journey,and thus building a strong socialist culture has become a new goal.The CPC has made great achievements in leading cultural innovation,successfully initiated the development path of the socialist culture with Chinese characteristics,reconstructed the Chinese cultural system,reshaped the national spirit of the Chinese nation,revitalized the cultural self-confidence of the Chinese nation,and effectively promoted the Chinese culture to approach the world cultural center.The valuable experience the CPC having accumulated in cultural innovation over the past century includes:strengthening and improving the leadership of the party is the fundamental guarantee;sticking to the guidance of the developmental Marxism is the fundamental requirement;adhering to meeting the cultural needs of the people is the basic value orientation;focusing on what is being done is the basic thrust;scientifically assuring the relationship of cultural innovation with politics and economy is the basic premise;and correctly integrating "ancient & modern and Chinese culture & foreign culture" is the key.
作者 朱虹 岑忠干 Zhu Hong;Cen Zhonggan
出处 《社会主义研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第5期97-104,共8页 Socialism Studies
基金 2021年度国家社会科学基金重大项目“革命老区‘红色文化+旅游’融合发展研究”(21&ZD178)。
关键词 中国共产党 文化创新 党的领导 文化自信 文化自觉 CPC Cultural Innovation Party Leadership Cultural Confidence Cultural Awareness
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