

Analysis of spreading influence of WeChat public account of nationwide disease control institutes
摘要 目的 了解全国疾病预防控制(简称疾控)机构微信公众号的运营现状、互动情况和传播影响力,为更好的利用微信公众号扩大健康传播效果提供科学依据。方法 利用PYTHON软件抓取《中国疾控动态》每月发布的疾控机构传播影响力排行榜(前20名),分析2016年9月—2019年8月(36期)的信息发布指标。结果 2016—2019年共抓取720条发布信息,64家疾控机构的微信公众号入榜。综合影响力排名前三位的公众号分别为东莞疾控、中国疾控动态和全民健康生活方式行动;累计上榜综合影响力最高的地区为北京市(400 562.6)、江苏省(272 322.4)和广东省(251 444.2)。入榜公众号每月平均发布信息20.5次,推送文章35.9篇,平均阅读数和点赞数分别为138 587.6次和1 635.6次。文章推送量与阅读数呈负相关(r=-0.369,P<0.05),而与点赞数不相关(r=0.163,P>0.05)。结论 我国各地区疾控机构微信公众号发展不均衡,西南、西北和东北地区的影响力较弱;应掌握好推文频率和推送时间,注重提高原创推文质量,加强良性互动,从而提升影响力。 Objective To understand the operating status, interaction and spreading influence of the WeChat official account of the nationwide institutes for disease control and prevention, so as to provide a scientific basis for better use of WeChat official account to expand the effectiveness of health communication. Methods The software of PYTHON was used to obtain the spreading influence rankings(top 20) of the centers for disease control and prevention(CDC) published monthly by China Disease Control Dynamics, and analyze the information release indicators from September 2016 to August 2019(36issues in total). Results A total of 720 published messages were obtained, and the WeChat public accounts of 64 disease control and prevention institutes were included on the list. The top three official accounts with comprehensive influence were Dongguan CDC, China CDC and National Healthy Lifestyle Action. The regions with the highest cumulative influence were Beijing(400 562.6), Jiangsu province(272 322.4) and Guangdong province(251 444.2). The official accounts on the list published information 20.5 times and push 35.9 articles on average every month, with an average number of read and like of 138 587.6 and 1 635.6, respectively. The number of posts was negatively correlated with the number of read(r=-0.369, P<0.05), but not with the number of like(r=0.163, P>0.05). Conclusions The development of WeChat public accounts of the disease control and prevention institutes in different regions is unbalanced, and the influence are weak in region of southwest,northwest and northeast. The frequency and time of pushing article should be mastered, the quality of original tweets should be paid attention to improve. The positive interaction should be strengthened to enhance the influence.
作者 李怡 姚宁 郭梅 赵怡楠 周春碚 LI Yi;YAO Ning;GUO Mei;ZHAO Yi-nan;ZHOU Chun-bei(Chongqing Municipal Center forDisease Control and Prevention,Chongqing 400042,China;不详)
出处 《疾病预防控制通报》 2022年第6期81-84,88,共5页 Bulletin of Disease Control & Prevention(China)
基金 重庆市科卫联合医学科研项目(2020FYYX234)。
关键词 疾控机构 微信公众号 影响力 Disease control and prevention institutes WeChat public account Influence
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