
羊胎儿期皮肤毛囊发育及调控机制的研究概述 被引量:1

An Overview of Research on Skin Hair Follicle Development and Regulatory Mechanism in Sheep During the Fetal Period
摘要 中国绵山羊养殖历史悠久,品种资源丰富,在国民经济中起重要作用。羊毛按纤维类型可分为同质毛和异质毛,同质毛的特点是被毛由同一类型的羊毛纤维组成,其特点是羊毛的纤维直径、长度、卷曲等外表特征基本相同,异质毛的特点是被毛中兼有绒毛、有髓毛、无卷曲和少卷毛等不同类型的羊毛纤维,其化学、物理性能均不相同。毛囊是控制哺乳动物被毛生长的重要器官,是唯一具有周期性发育并可终生再生的器官,控制着被毛发生发育与自然脱落。毛囊依据其形成时间和结构可分为初级毛囊(primary follicles)和次级毛囊(secondary follicles),初级毛囊生长髓质发达的粗毛,次级毛囊产生无髓毛的绒毛。有髓毛较粗长且弯曲少,多用于加工粗纺织品、毛毯、地毯、毡制品;无髓毛直径一般不超40μm,弯曲多,是毛纺工业的优质原料。毛囊的发育受到不同信号通路和基因的影响,如Wnt信号通路、骨形态发生蛋白质(BMP)信号通路、成纤维细胞生长因子(FGF)信号通路、音猬因子(SHH)信号通路、Notch信号通路等以及角蛋白家族基因、BMPs家族基因、同源异型盒基因(Hox)等。作者对国内外对绵山羊胎儿期皮肤毛囊发育及调控机制进行综述,以期为提高以绵山羊被毛产量及改善被毛品质为主要育种目标的选育提供参考。 China has a long history of goat breeding and rich variety resources,which play an important role in the national economy.Wool can be divided into homogeneous fleece and heterogeneous fleece according to fiber type.The characteristic of homogeneous fleece is that the coat is composed of the same type of wool fibers,and its characteristics are that the fiber diameter,length,curl,and other appearance characteristics of wool are basically the same.The characteristic of heterogeneous fleece is that there are different types of wool fibers in the coat,such as down fleeces,medullary fleeces,and non-curly and oligo-curly fleeces.The chemical,physical and mechanical properties of wool fibers of heterogeneous fleece are different from those of homogeneous fleece.Hair follicle is an important organ with periodic development and lifelong regeneration,which controls the development and natural shedding of the hair.The hair follicles can be divided into primary follicles and secondary follicles according to their formation time and structure.The primary follicles develop subsequently developed coarse hairs,while secondary hair follicles produce unmyelinated villi.Being relatively thicker,longer,and less curved,the medullated wool is mainly used to process coarse textiles,blankets,carpets,and felt products.In contrast,non-medullated wool is an excellent raw material for the wool spinning industry because it is generally not more than 40μm in diameter and has much curvature.Hair follicle development is affected by different genes and signaling pathways,such as Wnt signaling pathway,bone morphogenetic protein(BMP)signaling pathway,fibroblast growth factor(FGF)signaling pathway,sonic hedgehog(SHH)signaling pathway,Notch signaling pathway,keratin family genes,BMPs family genes,homologous box genes(Hox),etc.The author reviewes the literature on the development and regulation of hair follicles in the fetal skin of sheep,intending to provide a reference for the selection and breeding of sheep whose main breeding objectives are to improve coat yield and coat quality.
作者 秦志云 姜怀志 QIN Zhiyun;JIANG Huaizhi(College of Animal Science and Technology,Jilin Agricultural University,Changchun 130118,China)
出处 《中国畜牧兽医》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第2期638-646,共9页 China Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Medicine
基金 “十四五”国家重点科技研发计划项目(2021YFF1000702)。
关键词 绵山羊 胎儿期 毛囊发育 调控机制 sheep and goats fetal stag hair follicle development regulatory mechanism
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