

The Evolution Track of Chinese Traditional Curriculum Thought:Sensibilization,Rationalization and Legalization
摘要 与中国文化发展的整体境脉相适应,中国传统课程思想的演变轨迹主要经历了合情化、合理化、合法化三个主要的发展时期。在合情化时期,以孔、孟、荀为代表的早期儒学,把教育的逻辑起点建立在大家所共同拥有的情感共鸣基础之上——在目标上注重以情育人,在内容上注重情感统整,在实施策略上注重“以近取譬”;在合理化时期,以“北宋五子”周敦颐、程颢、程颐、张载、邵雍为代表的新儒学,积极借鉴佛、道二教的教化经验,坚持以逻辑、思辨、演绎、格物、循理等理性方式重建儒家知识分子的精神道德信仰——在目标上注重以“理”育人,在内容上注重“道统”重构,在实施策略上注重“体悟”与“自得”;在合法化时期,以吕祖谦、朱熹、陆九渊等为主要代表的道学继任者,以私人书院为舞台,致力于把道德重建、文化重建与社会重建的成果“合法化”,借助“学规”“渐悟”和“顿悟”,达成教化意义上的“儒者之效”,注重淳风美俗、圣贤气象、仪型德范,为后学所矜式,构建“学统”成熟意义上的课程思想体系,强调在修身立德上下功夫,道问学、重践履、尊德性,倡导教师主体“合法化”行动,创建私人书院,凸显个人风格和地域色彩,加强学术交流。 In line with the overall context of the development of Chinese culture,the evolution of Chinese traditional curriculum thought has mainly experienced three major stages of development:Sensibilization,Rationalization and Legalization.In the Sensibilization period,early Confucianism,represented by Confucius,Mencius and Xunzi,more established the logical starting point of education on the basis of the emotional resonance shared by everyone,the emotional target in the curriculum goal,the emotional integration in the curriculum content,and the“taking a close example”in the curriculum implementation strategy.In the period of Rationalization,the four Taoists of the Northern Song Dynasty represented by Zhou Dunyi,Cheng brothers and Zhang Zai actively learned from the enlightenment experience of Buddhism and Taoism,and insisted on rebuilding the spiritual and moral beliefs within the Confucian intellectuals in a logical,speculative,deductive,objective,rational and other rational identification way.The goal of the curriculum is“reason”,the content of the curriculum is“tradition”reconstruction,and the implementation of the curriculum is“self satisfying”.During the period of Legalization,the successors of Taoism represented by Lv Zuqian,Zhu Xi,Lu Jiuyuan,etc.,took private academies as the stage,devoted themselves to“legalizing”the achievements of moral reconstruction,cultural reconstruction and social reconstruction,with the help of“academic rules”with strong constraints,or“gradual realization”or thorough introspection(insight)with reason to achieve the“Confucian effect”in education.In the sense of Taoist spirit,the downward diffusion of the Taoist spirit and the local purity of customs is valued,and it adheres to the solemn and clear moral goals(sages and local sages).It constructs the ideological system of curriculumin the mature sense of“academic tradition”,emphasizing geographical system,morality building and kung fu(virtue respect,learning and practice),and the“positive legalization”(private academies,personal styles and academic exchanges)of teachers,etc.
作者 贾志国 JIA Zhiguo(College of Teacher Education,Zhejiang Normal University,Jinhua 321004,China;Institute of Child Development,Jinhua Polytechnic,Jinhua 321007,China)
出处 《教师教育学报》 2023年第2期28-42,共15页 Journal of Teacher Education
基金 2022年度教育部人文社会科学青年基金研究项目“‘双减’政策下儿童幼小衔接期学习品质培养路径及评估研究”(22YJC880056),项目负责人:明文 浙江师范大学教师教育学院开放研究基金资助项目“教育学视域下的吕祖谦德育思想研究”(jykf20074),项目负责人:贾志国。
关键词 中国传统课程思想 合情化 合理化 合法化 圣贤气象 道统 学统 Chinese traditional curriculum thought sensibilization rationalization legalization sage meteorology orthodoxy academic tradition
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