

The Triple Approach of the "Cultural Industry" to Deceive the Mass and Its Critique:An Analysis Based on the Dialectic of Enlightenment
摘要 “文化工业”批判理论认为工业化大生产已经入侵文化领域,形成“文化工业”。工业为大众生产貌似艺术的商品,并且诱导大众产生对这个商品的虚假需要。当大众在消费“文化工业”制造的商品后,便得到相应的满足感,但这满足感并不是出于自身真实需要的满足,仅仅是为了让大众安于现状。“文化工业”批判理论的分析拓宽了资本主义批判的新维度,但也存在诸多局限:对技术的评价不符合辩证法;对大众的态度过于消极;没有给出解决问题的方法;难以解释新兴的“文化产业”。 The critical theory of "Cultural Industry" holds that industrialized large-scale production has invaded the cultural field and formed a "Cultural Industry". Industry produces an artistic-looking commodity for the mass and induces them to have a false need for this commodity. When the mass consume the goods manufactured by the "Cultural Industry", they get a corresponding sense of satisfaction,and this satisfaction does not come from themselves, but only to make the mass satisfied with the status quo. The analysis of the critical theory of the "Culture Industry" broadens the new dimension of capitalist critique, but there are also many limitations: the evaluation of technology does not conform to dialectics;Attitudes towards the mass are too negative;No solution to the problem is given;It is difficult to explain the emerging "Cultural Industry".
作者 章翔 ZHANG Xiang(School of Marxism,Xiamen University,Xiamen,Fujian 361001)
出处 《武夷学院学报》 2023年第2期17-23,共7页 Journal of Wuyi University
基金 2020年度国家社科基金高校思政课研究专项(20VSZ120)。
关键词 “文化工业” 《启蒙辩证法》 欺骗 大众 "Cultural Industry" Dialectic of Enlightenment deception mass
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