
ROLLER 20血沉分析儀的應用評價及澳門地區參考區間的調查

Evaluation of the ROLLER 20 ESR automated analyzer and investigation of the reference value of ESR of the Macao resident
摘要 目的評價Alifax公司推出的TEST 1系列中的ROLLER 20自動血沉儀,探討此機器測定結果與傳統魏氏法的相關性,並評價在臨床上的應用;另外引用健康人士標本來建立澳門地區的參考區間。方法收集本院病人和體檢人士血液樣本691例,比較以ROLLER 20和SRS 100/II(魏氏法)兩台自動血沉降測定儀對同一人的標本測定數值相關性;另外隨機選出之40組標本分別以不同存放溫度,以及不同時間點測定其標本結果的穩定性;最後,將整體標本中520例健康人按性別、年齡作分組,將ROLLER 20測出的血沉降結果,以百分位數法(CI=0.95)作數值統合,建立澳門地區ESR正常範圍參考值。結果ROLLER 20測出數據與傳統Westergren法有良好相關性(y=0.9981x+5.3575,r=0.8680),標本於25℃保存下12h内穩定,於4℃下24h内穩定;正常人ESR參考範圍方面,男性60歲以下為<24.0mm/hr,60歲以上為<30.7 mm/hr;女性60歲以下者為<32.0 mm/hr,60歲以上為<37.2 mm/hr。結論ROLLER 20檢測結果與Westergren法有良好的相關性,檢測所需樣本量少,分析速度快,重複性、穩定性好,且不受環境溫度、Hct等因素的影響,並有著質控物能確保機器的穩定性;參考值結果與中國地區參考範圍接近,而男女間存在明顯差異性。 Objective To evaluate the measurement of Roller 20,one of the TEST 1 series automated ESR system from ALIFAX.We compared the result with those for the other automated ESR machine Sed Rate Screener 100(SRS 100/II)and established the normal reference range of ESR in Macao by using Roller 20.Methods 691 random blood samples were collected from the patients of the out-patient clinics and the health center of the Kiang Wu Hospital.The ESR value was measured by using the two systems re-spectively for evaluating the correlation of the ESR value between the two systems.40 random samples were divided into two separate groups with different storage temperature(40 C,250 C)and different storage time(4 hrs to 24 hrs)for testing the variation in ESR results of the blood samples.520 samples from healthy patients were divided into several groups by gender and age.We measured the ESR values of these samples to establish the normal reference range of erythrocyte sedimentation rate in Macao.Results ROLLER 20 had a good correlation with SRS 100/II(y=0.9981x+5.3575,r=0.8680).The samples collected in EDTA-K 3 tubes had a good result stability within 12 hr in 250 C and 24 hr in 40 C.The normal reference ranges of ESR of the young and middle-aged male(<=60 years old)were<24.0 mm/hr and the elderly male ESR(>60 years old)were<30.7 mm/hr.The normal reference ranges of ESR of young and middle-aged female were<32.0 mm/hr and the elderly female ESR were<37.2 mm/hr.Conclusion ROLLER 20,one of the TEST 1 series system machines,can provide a safe,precise,accurate and reliable system for measuring ESR with avoiding several influences,such as the temp-erature,tilt angle of the tube,Hct of the patients when using the traditional Westergren method,.Blood stored in EDTA-K 3 tubes can provide a better storage condition for the ESR value re-currence up to 24 hours.Different normal reference range of ESR should be applied to different genders and ages of people.
作者 秦嘉豪 CHON Ka-hou(Clinical Laboratory of the Kiang Wu Hospital,Macao,China)
出处 《镜湖医学》 2011年第1期18-22,共5页 MEDICAL JOURNAL OF KIANG WU
关键词 紅細胞沉降速度 TEST1 Roller 20 魏氏法 參考值 Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate TEST 1 ROLLER 20 Westergren ESR normal reference range.








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