

Observation of therapeutic efficacy with forearm shaft fracture
摘要 目的回顧分析本院5年來前臂骨幹骨折手術治療。方法回顧分析2010年~2015年31例前臂骨幹骨折患者的手術治療、手術併發症及術後恢復情况。結果31例均獲術後随診,最長32月,最短6月,平均11.5月,13例已拆除內固定,平均拆除內固定時間約12月。其中優22例,良5例,可1例,差3例,優良率為87.0%。結論對前臂骨幹骨折採用切開復位內固定治療能取得優良效果。 Objective To retrospectively analyse the result of surgical treatment for forearm shaft fracture for 5 years(2010-2015).Methods 31 cases of forearm shaft fracture surgery patients from 2010 to 2015 were reviewed for their surgical complications and postoperative recovery.Results Thirty one cases were followed up after surgery,the longest for 32 months,and the shortest minimum 6 months,with an average 11.5 months,13 cases had fixation removed.The average removal time for the fixation was 12 months.The outcome was excellent in 22 cases,good in 5 cases,fine in 1 case and poor in 3 cases,superior rate is 87.0%.Conclusion For forearm shaft fractures,treatment with open reduction and internal fixation can achieve good results.
作者 劉力 陳子傑 李衛平 符丹 LIU Li;CHAN Chi Kit;LI Wei Ping;FU Dan(Department of Orthopaedic Surgery,Kiang Wu Hospital,Macao,china)
出处 《镜湖医学》 2016年第2期45-46,58,共3页 MEDICAL JOURNAL OF KIANG WU
关键词 前臂骨幹骨折 內固定 Forearm shaft Internal fixation
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