铁自噬(ferritinophagy)是一种与铁死亡关系密切的自噬类型,由核受体共激活因子4(nuclear receptor coativator4,NCOA4)介导铁蛋白在自噬溶酶体中降解,然后使铁蛋白结合的铁降解释放出游离铁,是铁代谢的重要途径。近年来,越来越多的研究表明,铁自噬和铁死亡在肿瘤发生发展中起着重要作用。但目前铁自噬在口腔鳞癌中的作用机制尚未完全阐明,对口腔鳞癌中铁自噬机制的深入研究,有望帮助寻找此类疾病治疗的新靶点。本文对铁自噬在口腔鳞癌中作用研究的最新进展作一综述。
Ferritinophagy is a type of autophagy closely related to ferroptosis.The special cargo receptor NCOA4 mediates the degradation of ferritin in autophagolysosomal lysosomes,and then makes the iron drop bound by ferritin explain the release of free iron,which is an important means of iron metabolism.In recent years,more and more studies have shown that ferritinophagy and ferroptosis play an important role in the occurrence and development of tumors.However,the mechanism of iron autophagy in oral squamous cell carcinoma has not been fully elucidated at present.The in-depth study of the mechanism of ferritinophagy in oral squamous cell carcinoma is expected to become a new target for the treat-ment of such diseases.This paper summarized the latest progress in the study of the role of ferritinophagy in oral squa-mous cell carcinoma.
LIU Heng;DUAN Xiao-feng(Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,Guizhou Medical University.Guiyang 550000;Department of Oromaxillofacial Surgery,Guizhou Provincial People`s Hospital.Guiyang 550000,Guizhou Province,China)
China Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery