

Retrospective analysis of using fetal fibronectin and cervical length to predict premature birth
摘要 目的回顧性分析聯合胎兒纖維連接蛋白(FFN)定性檢測超聲監測宮頸長度(CL),對早產進行預測的可行性與優勢。方法選取本院2017年11月~2019年3月間,因先兆早產住院的孕婦其中67例,回顧性分析FFN聯合CL與早產發生的敏感性與特異性。結果FFN和C L聯合應用,預測早產的敏感性93.75%、特異性87.88%、陽性預測值93.75%、陰性預測值96.67%,均比採用單一方法檢查高。結論FFN聯合CL檢查,能提高對早產的預測性,有利於指導臨床治療。 Objective To analyze the prediction value for premature birth(PB)by fetal fibronectin(FFN)combined with cervical length(CL).Methods 67 pregnant women with PB risks admitted to Kiang Wu Hospital from November 2017 to Mach 2019 were selected.The predictive values of PB by FFN and CL were compared.Results When combination of FFN with CL was used to predict PB,the sensitivity,specificity,positive predictive value and negative predictive value was 93.75%,87.88%,93.75%and 96.67%respectively,both of which was higher than that of individual(FFN or CL)prediction.Conclusion Combination of FFN with CL could improve the accuracy of PB prediction and was helpful to guide clinical prevention treatments.
作者 簡焰森 莫少敏 JIAN Yan Sen;MOK Sio Man(Department of Obstetrics&Gynecology,Kiang Wu Hospital,Macao,China)
出处 《镜湖医学》 2019年第2期61-62,共2页 MEDICAL JOURNAL OF KIANG WU
关键词 胎兒纖維連接蛋白(FFN) 超聲監測宮頸長度(CL) 早產 Fetal Fibronectin(FFN) Cervical length(CL) Premature birth(PB)
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