

Survey on the dietary intake of plant-based foods of cardiac rehabilitation patients with coronary artery disease
摘要 目的了解冠心病心臟康復患者植物性食物攝取情況,提高患者對植物性食物攝取份量與冠心病影響的認知。方法營養師對心臟康復的患者進行飲食頻率問卷調查分析,計算各種植物性食物攝取量的達標情況,比較不同體重患者對植物性食物攝入量的差異。結果107例患者納入研究,男性86例,女性21例,平均年齡(69.1±9.47)歲,攝入三類植物性食物同時達標者只佔2.8%,其中全穀及根莖類達標率9.4%,蔬菜類29.9%,水果類25.2%。不同BMI組對三類食物攝取量無統計學上差異(P>0.05)。結論冠心病心臟康復患者對植物性食物的攝取量嚴重不足,有需要向患者和家屬進行加強營養飲食指導,加深其對植物性食物重要性的認知。 Objective To explore the dietary intake of plant-based foods in cardiac rehabilitation patients with coronary artery disease.To determine the necessity of nutrition consultation provided to patients and to raise their awareness on the impact of plant-based foods on coronary artery disease.Methods A food frequency questionnaire was used to assess the dietary intake in patients participated in the cardiac rehabilitation program.The collected data were analyzed by dietitians to determine if the consumption of plant-based foods met the recommended intake and to compare the difference in plant-based foods intake between different weight groups.Results The study involved 107 patients,in which 86 were male and 21 were female with a mean age of 69.1±9.47 years.Only 2.8%met the recommended intake of all three food groups,in which the percentage of meeting the recommended whole grain and root&stem vegetable group,vegetable group and fruit group are 9.4%,29.9%and 25.2%respectively.There was no significant difference(P>0.05)between different BMI groups in the intake of the three food groups.Conclusion The dietary intake of plant-based foods in cardiac rehabilitation patients with coronary artery disease is obviously inadequate.It is necessary to enhance nutrition consultation focus on getting patients and their family members to recognize the association between intake of plant-based foods and coronary artery disease.
作者 周惠碧 冼詠萱 張振榮 CHAU Vai Pek;SIN Veng Sun;CHEUNG Chun Wing(Department of Integrated Healthcare Division,Kiang Wu Hospital,Macao,China)
出处 《镜湖医学》 2020年第1期45-47,共3页 MEDICAL JOURNAL OF KIANG WU
关键词 冠心病 植物性食物 飲食營養指導 Coronary Artery Disease Plant-based Foods Nutrition Consultation
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