
基于数学“情境―问题”教学模式的教学设计——以“不等式及其解集”为例 被引量:1

Teaching Design Based on Mathematics “Situation—Problem” Teaching Mode——Take “Inequality and Its Solution set” as an Example
摘要 数学学习的核心是从数学角度发现、提出问题、分析和解决问题,它是发展学生数学学科核心素养的重要手段。作者在梳理分析“数学情境与提出问题”的各个环节的特征与联系基础上,探讨了基于数学“情境——问题”教学模式的教学设计,并以人教版数学“不等式及其解集”为例进行教学设计,对教学设计中各环节做了详细说明,为“情境——问题”教学的实施提供参考。 The core of mathematics learning is to find, put forward, analyze and solve problems from the mathematical perspective. It is an important means to develop students’ core literacy in mathematics. On the basis of combing and analyzing the characteristics and connections of each step of“mathematical situation and posing problems”, this paper discusses the teaching design based on the“situation―problem”teaching mode of mathematics, and takes the“inequality and its solution set”of mathematics in the textbooks of People’s Education Press as an example to carry out the teaching design, which gives a detailed description of each step in the teaching design and provides a reference for the implementation of“situation―problem”teaching.
作者 丁祥芝 吴京霖 田俊康 DING Xiang-zhi;WU Jing-lin;TIAN Jun-kang(School of Mathematical Sciences,Guizhou Normal University,Guiyang 550025,China;School of Mathematics,Zunyi Normal University,Zunyi 563006,China)
出处 《遵义师范学院学报》 2023年第1期138-140,共3页 Journal of Zunyi Normal University
关键词 “情境——问题”教学模式 教学设计 不等式及其解集 “situation―problem”teaching model teaching design inequality and its solution set
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