

A Study on the Speed and Rhythm Characteristics of Men’s 100m Race Champion in the 18th Oregon World Athletics Championships
摘要 本文运用文献资料法、二位录像简析法、数理统计法、对比分析法等研究方法,以第18届俄勒冈田径世锦赛男子百米冠军Fred Kerley关键技术环节运动学特征为研究对象,全面分析和掌握Fred Kerley在世锦赛男子100米比赛中的关键运动技术表现特征,以期揭示世界级百米运动员的竞技特征,为提升我国短跑整体水平、了解该项目的竞技规律提供参考。研究结果:①在选取Kerley四场比赛中,步频指数达到8.50成绩便突破9.80s,两次破9.80s的比赛均是如此。对于身材高大的运动员都是提高步频来寻求成绩上的突破,我国优秀百米运动员亦是如此,并不能盲目追求步长来提高成绩。②在纵向对比运动员成绩时,风速因素也可考虑进去。世锦赛百米决赛如果风速在顺风0.9m/s的有利情况下,Kerley百米成绩甚至可以达到9.73s-9.74s。③Kerley百米跑步频指数与Bolt已极为接近,以稳定步频略微提升步长为主要练习方向,追求步长指数也趋于“博尔特化”,有望突破百米最佳成绩。④Kerley最大速度能力已达到世界顶级水平,百米全程最大速度出现在47-55.5米之间,为12.687m/s,最大速度较Bolt还快接近0.3m/s,最大速度出现时机再一次印证“6秒定律”。 The kinematics characteristics of key technical links of Fred Kerley,the champion of men’s 100 meters in the 18th Oregon World Athletics Championships,were studied by using the methods of literature review,video analysis,mathematical statistics and comparative analysis.This paper aims to comprehensively analyze the performance characteristics of Fred Kerley’s key sports techniques in the men’s 100 meters race at the World Championships,with a view to revealing the competitive characteristics of world-class 100 meters athletes,and providing a theoretical basis for improving the overall level of China’s sprint events.The results of the study include:(a)In Kerley’s four games,when the step frequency index reached 8.50,his performance excelled 9.80 s,which happened twice.For tall athletes,it is necessary to increase the step frequency to seek breakthroughs in performance.The same is true for Chinese excellent 100-meter athletes,who should not pursue step length to improve performance.(b)Wind speed can also be taken into account when comparing athlete performance longitudinally.In the 100m final at the World Championships,Kerley could have achieved 9.73s-9.74s if the wind was also favourable with a tailwind of 0.9m/s.(c)The stride frequency index of Kerley 100-meter running is very close to that of Bolt.The main practice direction should be to stabilize the stride frequency and slightly increase the stride length.The pursuit of the stride length index also tends to be“Boltization”to break the best performance of 100 meters.(d)The maximum speed ability of Kerley has reached the world’s top level.The maximum speed of 100 meters is 12.687m/s between 47 and 55.5 meters,and the maximum speed is nearly 0.3 m/s faster than Bolt.The timing of the maximum speed also confirms the“6-second law”once again.
作者 刘浩翔 魏青哲 Liu Haoxiang;Wei Qingzhe(School of Physical Education,Shandong Normal University,Jinan 250358,China.)
出处 《体育科技文献通报》 2023年第2期11-12,32,共3页 Bulletin of Sport Science & Technology
关键词 田径世锦赛 男子100米 步长步频 速度 World Athletics Championships men’s 100m stride length and frequency speed
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