
知识产权密集型产业对美国经济的贡献分析 被引量:1

Analysis on the Contribution of IP-intensive Industries to the U.S.Economy
摘要 以美国专利商标局2022年3月发布的第三版《知识产权与美国经济》报告以及2012年《知识产权与美国经济:产业聚焦》和《知识产权与美国经济:2016年更新版》报告为基础,分析了知识产权密集型产业对美国经济及社会福利的影响。结合我国知识产权密集型产业的发展状况,对我国知识产权密集型产业发展提出建议:加强知识产权密集型产业培育,积极发挥产业对经济的引领作用;进一步建立和完善知识产权密集型产业调查机制,形成知识产权密集型产业数据库。 Based on the“Intellectual property and the U.S.economy:Third edition”in March 2022,“Intellectual Property and the U.S.Economy:Industries in Focus”in 2012 and“Intellectual Property and the U.S.Economy:2016 Update”issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office,this paper analyzes the impact of IP-intensive industries on the American economy and social welfare.In view of the development status of China s IP-intensive industries,this paper puts forward the following suggestions on the development of IP-intensive industries:strengthen the cultivation of IP-intensive industries and give full play to the leading role of industries in the economy;further establish and improve the investigation mechanism of IP-intensive industries and form a database of IP-intensive industries.
作者 杨中楷 蒋欣 吴华蕾 YANG Zhongkai;JIANG Xin;WU Hualei(Institute of Science and Technology Management,Dalian University of Technology,Dalian 116024,China;Dalian University of Technology Library,Dalian 116024,China)
出处 《郑州航空工业管理学院学报》 2023年第1期5-10,共6页 Journal of Zhengzhou University of Aeronautics
基金 国家社科基金重大项目(20&ZD074)。
关键词 知识产权密集型产业 美国经济 美国专利商标局 IP-intensive industries U.S.economy United States Patent and Trademark Office
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