

Analysis of the Group Characteristics of Yuhua Heroes based on Lightweight Ontology
摘要 [目的/意义]雨花英烈精神是中国共产党新民主主义革命精神的重要组成和代表,雨花英烈的原始革命文献是记录雨花英烈精神的重要来源与载体,利用内容标注、特征构建等文本处理技术对文献内容进行深度挖掘,既有助于弘扬革命文化,赓续红色血脉,也有益于开拓技术应用对象,促进技术水平提升。[方法/过程]本文以雨花英烈相关原始文献为数据来源,以雨花英烈为对象构建雨花英烈轻量级本体,以此作为雨花英烈群体特征描述框架,基于领域词表及触发词特征从雨花英烈革命文献中抽取本体中相关实例,实现对雨花英烈多维属性的形式化特征构建。雨花英烈轻量级本体的类别及属性描述了雨花英烈群体特征框架,通过对抽取的本体实例的数据分析,则可实现对雨花英烈群体特征的数据分析。[结果/结论]通过对雨花英烈基本信息、革命活动及狱中斗争的有关文本内容的统计分析,从数据角度进一步揭示了雨花英烈的群体特征,包括受教育程度高、牺牲年龄小,长期在国民党统治中心坚持斗争,坚守信仰,对党忠诚,满怀修齐治平的家国情怀,自觉践行对高尚的道德追求等。运用轻量级本体等本文量化分析方法有助于具象化地呈现雨花英烈的崇高理想信念、高尚道德情操以及为民牺牲的大无畏精神内涵。本文对于创新雨花英烈精神的呈现方式与传播效果有一定参考价值。 [Purpose/Significance]The spirit of Yuhuatai martyrs is one of the important components of the new democratic revolutionary spirit of the Communist Party of China(CPC).The primary documents about Yuhuatai martyrs is the significant source to record their spirit.Using text processing technologies,such as content annotation and feature construction to deeply excavate the content of the documents,which is not only conducive to carrying forward revolutionary culture and continuing the red spirit,but also beneficial to expanding the application objects of technology and promoting the improvement of text mining technology.[Method/Process]In this paper,the original documents related to Yuhuatai martyrs were used as the data source,which include 12,329 original records in 8 types of documents,including biographies of martyrs,letters,diaries,interrogation materials of the enemy and puppet governments,trial records,and oral history.Then the lightweight ontology of Yuhuatai martyrs was built,which was used as the feature description framework of Yuhuatai martyrs.Based on the domain ontology and trigger word features,relevant instances in the ontology were extracted from the documents of Yuhuatai martyrs,and the formal features of the multi-dimensional attributes of Yuhuatai martyrs were constructed and described.The categories and attributes of lightweight ontology described the Yuhuatai martyrs'group feature framework.Through the data analysis of the extracted ontology instance,the data analysis of Yuhuatai martyr group feature can be realized.[Results/Conclusions]Through the statistical analysis of the basic information,revolutionary activities and the relevant text content of the struggle in prison of Yuhuatai martyrs,this paper further revealed the group characteristics from the perspective of data,including:high education level,sacrifice at a young age,long-term struggle in the ruling center of the Kuomintang,adherence to faith,loyalty to CPC,full of family and country feelings of peace and order,and conscious practice of noble moral pursuit.By the application of lightweight ontology and other quantitative analysis methods in this paper,it is helpful to visualize the lofty ideals and beliefs of Yuhuatai martyrs,noble moral sentiments and the dauntless spirit of sacrifice for the people.This paper has a certain reference value for the presentation and dissemination of innovative Yuhuatai martyrs'spirit.
作者 何琳 武帅 叶雅慧 白莹 HE Lin;WU Shuai;YE Yahui;BAI Ying(College of Information Management of Nanjing Agricultural University,Nanjing 210095;Yuhuatai Red Culture Research Institute,Nanjing 210012)
出处 《农业图书情报学报》 2022年第12期33-44,共12页 Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture
基金 中宣部宣传思想文化青年英才自选项目“文化遗产数字资源的知识管理研究”。
关键词 革命文献 雨花英烈 群体特征 轻量级本体 内容分析 revolution literature Yuhuatai martyrs group characteristics lightweight ontology content analysis
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