The Twenties by The Twenties Formed in 2013,The Twenties were active in Beijing's live scene for several years before settling to record their eponymous,self-released debut.The result of this reasonably long inc bator period is that the band sounds confident and in charge,with a fully realized identity Vocalist Findy Zhao's voice has an appealing deadpan irony that's reminiscent of 90s slacker rock,and there are elements of grunge and the fuzziness associated with lo-fi bands,but none-theless the production feels slick.The opening track Tire Fire'is our favorite thanks to a catchy chorus that will worm its way into your head and linger for the rest of the day.In fact,it's this instant catchiness in many of the songs that elevate them from being overly derivative of 90s alt-rock bands-the pop sensibility woven in gives the debut an extra kick,and we're excited to see where the band goes from here.