RANDOM NUMBER 19 MILLION...yuan is how much VIP clientele dropped at I lermes in Guangzhou on its reopening day last month,rarlier this year,all I lermes stores on the Chinese mainland were forced to close by Fehruary 11 due to the coronavirus outbreak.WWD reported that shoppers across Guangdong province headed to lhe newly-expanded luxury flagship at I aikoo Hui Guangzhou to purchase rare bags,tableware,shoes,furniture and leather goods.Among the swank stuff was a diamond-studded Himalayan Birkin,which has been called the‘Holy Grail'of a handbag collection,and the The Rarest I landhag in the World.'In 2018,the bag was auctioned off for USD300,322.Unsurprisingly,shoppers were not shy about sharing their lavish experience via popular lifestyle app Xiaohongshu.