

On the Cultural Implication in the Report of the 20th CPC National Congress
摘要 中国共产党作为文化主体,在改造世界的历史实践中,以自己的理论、纲领和制度等作出自己的文化选择、文化实践和文化创造,形成了独特的政党文化,发挥着党内思想政治建设、建构党的精神体系作用;党的文化引领人民群众思想、融进国家治理的各领域各方面各环节,成为国家治理的有机组成部分。中国共产党之所以能够筚路蓝缕奠基立业,屹立百年撑起中华民族的脊梁,深刻改变近代以后中国的发展方向,影响世界发展趋势和格局,根本原因之一是拥有强大的政党文化。2022年10月,党的第二十次全国代表大会胜利召开,这是中国政治生活中的一件大事。大会报告闪耀着马克思主义理论光辉,蕴含着丰富的政党文化意蕴,释放出无比强大的文化效能。要领会报告精神,真正达到学、思、用贯通,知、信、行统一,必须读懂中国共产党,读懂中国共产党的文化,以利于及时跟进管党治国的实践和理论创新步伐,从梳理总结中国共产党政党文化演进的过程和规律中汲取智慧,从现实中增添力量,增强建设中国特色社会主义文化的信心和决心。 As a main body of cultural,the Communist Party of China has made its own cultural choice,cultural practice and cultural creation,based on its own theory,program and system in historical practice of transforming the world.A unique political party culture has been formed which is playing a role in intraparty ideological and political construction,also constructing the Party’s spiritual system.It has guided the thinking of the people and been integrated into all areas,aspects and links of state governance,becoming an integral part of national governance.The strong party culture has constituted a fundamental reason,why the Communist Party of China(CPC) was able to forge a foundation and stand tall for a century to sustain the backbone of the Chinese nation,profoundly change the direction of China’s development after modern times,and influence the development trend and pattern of the world.In October 2022,the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China wassuccessfully held,which means historicalsignificance in China’s political life.The report of the Congress shines with the brilliance of Marxist theory,contains rich cultural implications of political parties,and releases extremely powerful cultural efficacy.In orderto grasp the spirit of the report,trulyboost people’s integrative learning,thinking and application,and unify knowledge,belief and practice,we must have a good understanding of the CPC and its culture.It is also necessary to keep up with the practice and theoretical innovation of party management and governance in a timely manner.Wisdom drawn from summarizing the process and law of the evolution of party culture,adds strength from reality.That will help us strengthen moreconfidence and determination ondeveloping socialist culture with Chinese characteristics.
作者 姜玲 JIANG Ling(Hubei Open University/Hubei Science and Technology College,Wuhan,Hubei 430074)
出处 《湖北开放大学学报》 2023年第1期3-8,共6页 Journal of Hubei Open University
基金 湖北省高等学校马克思主义中青年理论家培育计划(第六批)(省社科基金前期资助项目)“‘五个思政’视域下思政课‘参与式’教学体系构建”(19ZD125) 湖北科技职业学院思政专项项目“基于‘五个思政’的订制思政课教学体系研究”(szkt201901)。
关键词 党的二十大报告 文化意蕴 政党 Report of the 20th CPC National Congress Cultural Implication Political Party
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