The British danegeld was initially a tribute paid temporarily when the Vikings invaded, and ceased to be collected after the invasion was resolved. After the Norman Conquest, with the development of the feudal system and strengthening of the feudal kingship, the danegeld was levied again and became an important part of the royal revenue. In accordance with the tradition of primitive democratic tribes, kings had to obtain the consent of the witan to collect the danegeld. In order to levy taxes successfully, monarchs of the Norman dynasty inherited this tradition, and their tax decisions were subject to the approval of the curia regis. The danegeld was levied according to the area of the land. However, due to the implementation of the feudalism, lands were enfeoffed at different levels and the ownership became ambiguous. Moreover, there was also the factor of “excessive exemption”. All of these made the collection of the danegeld difficult to implement and gradually became extinct. The danegeld was of great importance in the history of British taxation. Its collection was based on the hidage system, and a whole set of taxation system had been established, which provided a solid foundation for improvement of the future taxation system;it was also one of the origins of the principle of “spend-and-tax”;it nurtured the sprouts of “common consent”, which was one of the British theories of taxation.
Economic and Social History Review