
3种海桑属濒危红树植物的种群结构与动态特征 被引量:7

Population Structure and Dynamic Characteristics of Three Endangered Mangrove Species from Genus Sonneratia
摘要 以3种海桑属(Sonneratia)濒危红树植物——海南海桑(Sonneratia×hainanensis)、拟海桑(S.×gulngai)、卵叶海桑(S. ovata)为研究对象,通过编制静态生命表,绘制存活曲线、死亡率和消亡率等曲线分析其种群结构,并用生存分析与时间序列对其未来的数量动态进行预测,以阐述其种群结构特征和动态变化规律,为海桑属濒危植物种群的保护和恢复提供基础资料和科学依据。结果显示:(1)卵叶海桑种群结构为增长型;而由于缺乏幼龄个体,海南海桑和拟海桑均为衰退型。(2)三者的种群存活曲线都表现为Deevey-Ⅱ型,各种群的死亡率和消失率曲线的变化趋势一致,并随着龄级的增加呈波状上升趋势,其中海南海桑和拟海桑均在老龄阶段遇到了障碍,而卵叶海桑幼龄个体的发展遇到了瓶颈。(3)海南海桑和拟海桑种群自我更新能力较差,未来种群数量将逐渐衰退。卵叶海桑种群具有良好的恢复潜力,未来种群数量将逐步增加,但由于其种群个体数随龄级增加呈衰减趋势,若继续保持这种态势,将有可能导致龄级断层现象。(4)人类的养殖活动导致原有生境破碎化,产生了一系列不适宜种子萌发与幼苗生长的环境因子(光照、盐度、潮汐等),这在很大程度上抑制了海桑属濒危植物种群的自然更新。建议在加大天然种群就地保护力度的基础上,优化迁地保护策略和科学实施野外回归,并积极开展人工辅助育种工作,突破育种难题,以保证其种群的正常更新。 In order to illuminate population structures and dynamics of endangered mangrove species from genus Sonneratia,and provide a fundamental understanding and scientific basis for the protection and restoration of endangered mangrove species, the natural populations of three endangered mangrove species including Sonneratia × hainanensis, S. × gulngai, S. ovata were conducted as the research object, and the characteristics of population structure were described by establishing a static life table and drawing a population survival curve, and their future development trends were quantitatively described by population dynamic prediction and time series analysis respectively. The results showed that:(1)The populations structure of S.ovata was increasing type, while both S.× hainanensis and S. × gulngai were the declinated type due to the lack of young individuals.(2)The population survival curves of three endangered species showed the Deevey-Ⅱtype, and the mortality and disappearance curves of all populations showed the same trend, and showed a wavy line with the increase of age class. Both S.× hainanensis and S. × gulngai encountered obstacles in the aging stage, while S. ovata encountered bottlenecks in the development of young individuals.(3)The renewability of S. × hainanensis and S. × gulngai population was poor, and the population numbers would gradually decline in the future. The population of S. ovata had a good recovery potential, and the population number would increase gradually. However, if the population number of S. ovata decreased with the increase of age class, it might lead to the phenomenon of age class fault.(4)Human activities led to fragmentation of the original habitat, resulting in a series of environmental factors(light, salinity, tide, etc.) unsuitable for seed germination and seedling growth, which greatly inhibited the natural regeneration of the endangered species. Therefore, it would be recommended to step up efforts to protect the endangered natural populations in situ, optimization of ex situ conservation strategies and scientific implementation of field regression, carried out artificial assisted breeding to break through the problems of breeding, and ensured the normal renewal of the population.
作者 张孟文 钟才荣 吕晓波 方赞山 程成 ZHANG Mengwen;ZHONG Cairong;LÜXiaobo;FANG Zanshan;CHENG Cheng(Hainan Academy of Forestry,Hainan Mangrove Research Institute,Haikou 571100)
出处 《植物研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第2期231-241,共11页 Bulletin of Botanical Research
基金 海南省科研院所技术创新专项基础性科研工作项目(KYYS-2021-04)。
关键词 海桑属 濒危红树植物 种群结构 存活曲线 生存分析 时间序列 Sonneratia endangered mangrove plants population structure survival curve survival analysis time series
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