2013年2月3-7日,为加大对出口品牌商品的宣传和推介力度,深度开拓欧洲市场,一批具有出口经验、通过国际通行质量管理体系认证并拥有先进工艺的中国企业参加了在英国伯明翰国家展览中心举办的春季消费品博览会。英国伯明翰春季博览会(Spring Fair International)于1948年在英国哈洛加特(Harrogate)举办,1976年搬至伯明翰,至今已举办67届,主办方为i2i集团,规模、影响力在全球消费品展览会中仅次于法兰克福春季消费品展,几乎囊扩全部礼品及家庭用品行业的产品。
From 3rd to 7th March 2013,in order to promote Chinese products in the European market,some experienced Chinese exhibitors participated the Spring Fair International in Birmingham.The fair was established in Harrogate,UK in 1948 and transferred to Birmingham in 1976.This year was the 67th session and the organizer was i2i group.The expo is only second to the Frankfurt Spring Fair of its own kind.This year,there were 3,000 exhibitors from 49 countries,including 11 Chinese exhibitors.