稳中攀升的重复“参展率”第九届中国纺织品服装贸易展览会(巴黎)暨巴黎国际服装服饰采购展(CTAF/APP Paris)(以下简称“巴黎展”)将于2013年9月16-190在巴黎布尔热展览中心与欧洲知名的Texworld服装面料展同期同馆举办。展览会由中国纺织工业联合会主办,中国国际贸促会纺织行业分会(纺织贸促会)、中国服装协会和法兰克福展览(法国)公司承办。
The ninth TAF/APP Paris will take place from 16th to 19th September panel with Texworld in the same venue.Tlie exhibition is sponsored by China National Textile and Apparel Cotmcil,and organized by CCPITTEX,China National Garment Association and Messe Frankfurt(Paris).This year,the exhibition has grown by 20%to be 1,200m^(2) and a distinct feature of the exhibition is that repetitive exhibition rate has grown from 40%of last year to 50%of this year.