在德国西南部,坐落着一个有着伟大的发明创造史的城市--卡尔斯鲁厄。这里也是汽车发明者Gottfried Benz的故乡。在今天,卡尔斯鲁厄是技术创新之地,汇聚顶级研究所,人均GDP远远超出欧盟平均水平。高效的区域网络与能源、纳米技术、汽车、信息与通信技术等产业集群,使得该地区竞争优势明显。此外,卡尔斯鲁厄还是进入欧洲著名景区--黑森林的城市之一。
In the southwest of Germany,near the French border,lies the city of Karlsruhe,a city of tradition on great in ventions and innovation:it is the home of Gottfried Benz,who invented the automobile.As of today,Karlsruhe has been a place of great technical innovations.Three Fraunhofer Institutes as well as the Karlsruhe Institute ofTechnology work on scientific and technological projects for the future.