1月16-19日,由国际音乐产品协会(the National Association of Music Merchants)主办的"第119届北美乐器、音响及舞台设备博览会(THE NAMM SHOW)"在美国加利福尼亚州橙县的阿纳海姆会展中心盛大举办。在开幕式上,主办方邀请圣地亚哥海军陆战队乐队做了精彩的开幕演出,并在展会期间安排了丰富的演艺活动。
The 119h NAMM SHOW,organized by the Naiornal Asscition of Musice Merchants,was grandly held at Anaheim Convenbion Center in Orange Couny,Califormin from 16 to 19th Jamary 2020.At the opening ceremony,the organizer invited the San Diego Marine Band to make a wonderful opening performance,and arranged a wealth of performing arts activies during the exhibition.