背景资料:位于中东地区的阿拉伯联合酋长国(以下简称“阿联酋”)石油储量丰富,人均GDP高居世界前列,富足程度可以用“遍地黄金”来形容。对于广大中国参展商而言,阿联酋也是一块蕴藏重重商机的宝地。在过去几年,阿联酋一直位列深受中国展商青睐的十大海外会展目的国之一。中阿两国贸易有哪些传统和特点?阿联酋会展市场的魅力来自何方?近日,本刊记者采访了刚上任不久的阿联酋驻华大使馆商务公使Badir A.Almusharrekh先生。
As strategic trade partners,China and the United Arab Emirates("the UAE"hereafter)have been enjoying a win-win complementary partnership with one another and they are playing an important role in world economy.The two countries officially established diplomatic relations in 1984.Now the UAE is the second biggest trade partner of China in the Middle East,while China the second biggest non-oil trade partner of UAE.