背景资料:自2008年全球经济爆发以来,西方国家首当其冲,经济或是遭受重创,或是步伐急速放缓。然而,在中欧,波兰共和国是过去二十年以来唯一经济保持正增长的国家。美丽的波兰,不仅保留着悠久的文化传统,抵御经济风险的能量也不容小觑。中波经贸有哪些动向?又将如何发力释放新能量?近日,本刊记者采访了波兰共和国驻华大使馆经济参赞Jolanta Iwanicka女士。
A sound economic foundati on Poland is the biggest economic body in the Central and Eastern Europe and the 6th biggest EU member.Recent years have proven that the success of Poland's economy is based on stable and sustainable foundations.Since the break out of the global economic crisis in 2008,many western countries bear the hit.Poland is the only EU member which showed economic growth in the last twenty years and the forecasts for the coming years are also optimistic.From 2008 to 2011,the GDP of Poland grew by 15.7%in total,double that of EU average level.Considering that in the past twenty years,Poland has been going through an economic transformation period,the good economic performanee was especially remarkable and did not come easy.