2016年7月6日,首届拉丁美洲及加勒比海(巴拿马)国际照明展(InterLumi Panama)将在巴拿马两洋会展中心(ATLAPA Convention Center)盛大开幕。展会由America Expo Gtoup主办,作为在中美地峡上举办的专业照明展,展会将吸引来自巴拿马、美国、哥伦比亚、哥斯达黎加、委内瑞拉、圭亚那、秘鲁、墨西哥等国家的照明行业专业观众,是企业点亮拉美照明市场的重要契机。
On 6 July 2016,the first InterLumi Panama will be held in ATLAPA Convention Center in Panama.The organizer is America Expo Group and as the only trade fair in illumination industry in the region,it is expected to attract exhibitors and trade buyers from Panamaz the United States,Costa Rica,Venezuela,Peru,Mexico and other countries.