西班牙艾乌斯卡尔杜那会议中心与音乐厅是在1999年投入使用,是西班牙北部城市毕尔巴鄂在21世纪的旗舰建筑之一。会议中心与音乐厅由名家设计,坐落在艾乌斯卡尔杜那船坞的原址,以独到的设计获得2001年Enric Miralles与第六届西班牙建筑双年大奖。
Inaugurated on Febuary 19th 1999,the Euskalduna Conf erence Centre and Con cert Hall is a very unique building;one of the flagships of the new Bilbao of the 21 st century.Designed by architects Federico Soria no and Dolores Palacios as a vessel permanently under construction that stands in a dock on the site of the former Euskalduna Shipyard,the Conference Centre received the 2001 Enric Miralles award at the 6th Biennial of Spanish Architecture。