目的:探讨抗荷体能训练干预对海军青少年航空学校学生体质的影响,为更好地提高学生体质提供新思路、新方法。方法:根据海军青少年航空学校学生的身心特点及未来职业体能需求,研制相应的抗荷体能训练方案。选择某海军青少年航空学校2021学年春季学期高一海航班学生作为研究对象,按照随机数字表法分为试验组和对照组,每组40人,分别进行14周的抗荷体能训练和学校体育训练干预,比较分析干预前后学生体质的变化并探讨原因。结果:试验组干预后学生总体质成绩[(84.77±5.84)分]明显高于干预前[(77.03±6.14)分],差异有统计学意义(P=0.003)。与干预前相比,2组学生的总分等级均由及格转为良好,且试验组优良等级率(78.26%)高于对照组(71.43%)。干预后2组学生的体重指数总分等级均为优秀。试验组学生干预前、后的肺活量为(4208.58±768.18)ml和(4215.29±561.74)ml,前后变异率为0.16%;对照组学生干预前、后的肺活量为(4282.80±547.75)ml和(4121.77±463.70)ml,前后变异率为-3.76%。干预后,试验组学生的50 m跑总分等级由良好转为优秀,对照组等级由及格转为优秀,试验组优良等级率为88.89%,高于对照组的78.38%;2组学生的坐位体前屈等级均由及格转为良好,试验组学生优良等级率(63.16%)高于对照组(56.41%);2组学生的立定跳远等级均由及格转为良好。干预前2组学生的引体向上成绩分别为(17.62±21.13)分和(9.74±16.30)分,干预后分别为(61.49±25.68)分和(54.51±22.56)分,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.001);且试验组学生的引体向上等级由不及格转为及格,而对照组等级仍为不及格,干预后试验组学生引体向上的优良等级率(32.44%)高于对照组(7.7%)。2组学生的1000 m跑平均成绩干预后比干预前均有所下降,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:经过14周抗荷体能训练干预,航校学生在身体形态、身体机能和身体素质方面均有一定程度的提升,尤其上肢力量提升显著,提示抗荷体能训练对提高海军青少年航空学校学生的体质健康有明显促进作用。
Objective:To investigate the effects of anti-load training on the physical fitness of students from Naval Junior Aviation School(NAJS),and to provide new ideas and methods to promote student physical health.Methods:According to the physical and mental characteristics of NAJS students and their future professional requirements for physical fitness,an anti-load physical fitness training program was developed.The first-year NAJS high school students in their spring semester of 2021 academic year were selected as the research subjects,and they were divided into experimental group and control group according to the random number table method,with 40 students in each group.They were given 14 weeks of anti-load physical training and school sports training intervention,and the changes in the physical fitness before and after the intervention and reasons for such changes were analyzed.Results:The mean physical fitness score of students in the experimental group after intervention was higher than that before intervention[(84.77±5.84)vs.(77.03±6.14)],with a statistically significant difference(P=0.003);after intervention,the physical fitness total score grade of both groups improved from passing to good,while the excellent and good rate of the experimental group was higher than that of the control group(78.26%vs.71.43%).After intervention,the total scores of the body mass index of both groups reached excellent grade.The mean values of the vital capacity of the experimental group were(4208.58±768.18)ml before intervention and(4215.29±561.74)ml after intervention,and the variation rate was 0.16%.The mean values of vital capacity of the control group were(4282.80±547.75)ml before intervention and(4121.77±463.70)ml after intervention,and the variation rate was-3.76%.After intervention,the grade of 50 m running test scores in the experimental group changed from good to excellent,and that in the control group changed from passing to excellent,and the excellent and good rate in the experimental group was higher than that of the control group(88.89%vs.78.38%).The grade of sitting flexion test results of both groups changed from passing to good,and the excellent and good rate of the experimental group was higher than that of the control group(63.16%vs.56.41%).The grade of standing long jump results of both groups changed from passing to good.Before intervention,the average pull-up scores of the experimental group and the control group were(17.62±21.13)and(9.74±16.30),respectively;after intervention,the scores were(61.49±25.68)and(54.51±22.56),respectively,both with statistically significant differences(P<0.001).The pull-up grade of the experimental group changed from fail to good,while that of the control group remained fail.The pull-up excellent and good rate in the experimental group was higher than that of the control group(32.44%vs.7.7%).After intervention,the average scores of 1000 m running of the two groups were decreased compared with those before intervention,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion:After 14 weeks of anti-load physical training,the students’physique,physical function,and fitness have improved to a certain extent,especially the strength of their upper limbs,which indicates that the training can obviously promote the physical fitness of NAJS students.
Zhu Wei;Liu Shulin;Ke Youzhi;Liang Yahan;Yi Jiu;Liu Xueqi;Xie Changyong(Naval Medical Center,Naval Medical University,Shanghai 200433,China;School of Physical Education,Shanghai University of Sport,Shanghai 200438,China)
Chinese Journal of Nautical Medicine and Hyperbaric Medicine
Anti-load physical training
Physical constitution
Naval Junior Aviation School student