
重点国有林区职工家庭森林依赖测度方法对比分析研究 被引量:2

A Comparative Study on the Measuring Methods of Forest Dependence of the Employees'Families in the Key State-owned Forest Regions
摘要 采用相对森林收入法和森林依赖指数法测度重点国有林区2107个职工家庭的森林依赖程度,并对结果进行对比分析两种方法各自的优劣。结果表明:重点国有林区职工家庭森林依赖程度较高;整体上看,职工家庭的人均收入和消费均随森林依赖程度的升高而变差,但就居住条件而言在森林依赖指数法下森林依赖度越高居住条件越差,而相对森林收入法结果则相反;相对森林收入法一定程度上高估了重点国有林区职工家庭的森林依赖度。因此,提出政府在划分制定林区民生政策的目标群体而衡量职工家庭森林依赖度时,应突破收入单一维度,构建包含林业活动和家庭生计的森林依赖指数,并将相对森林收入和森林依赖指数相结合进行分析的建议。 ⑴Background——There is a complex relationship between forest dependence and residents'livelihoods.The relative forest income method is widely used to measure the degree of forest dependence of micro-subjects in the academic circles,and there are some limitations in discussing the diversity and complexity of forest dependence.⑵Methods——The research objects of this paper are the employees'families in the key state-owned forest regions.The relative forest income method and the forest dependence index method were used to measure the degree of forest dependence of the employees'families respectively,and the results were compared and analyzed.⑶Results——The degrees of forest dependence of employees'families in the key state-owned forest regions measured by using the relative forest income method and the forest dependence index method are significantly different.The degree of forest dependence is divided into four categories:“less dependent”,“medium dependent”,“highly dependent”and“very dependent”.The results show that the proportion of employees'families with“very dependent”measured by using the RFI method is the highest(47.41%),while the proportion of employees'families with“highly dependent”measured by using the FDI method is the highest(78.93%).The employees'families with“very dependent”measured by using the two methods are different.The proportion of wage income in the employees'families with“very dependent”measured by using the relative forest income method is very high,while the forestry income in the employees'families with“very dependent”measured by using the forest dependence index method is diversified.In terms of family consumptions and living conditions,the higher the forest dependence index,the lower the proportion of living expenses and the worse living conditions,while the higher the relative forest income,the higher the proportion of living expenses and the better living conditions.It can be seen that the relative forest income method overestimates the degree of forest dependence of the employees'families to some extent,while the forest dependency index method can better describe the situation of the employees'families which depend on forests for their livelihoods.⑷Conclusions and Discussions——First,the degrees of forest dependence of the employees'families in the key state-owned forest regions measured by using the relative forest income method and the forest dependence index method are 0.56 and 0.71 respectively,indicating that the degree of forest dependence of the employees'families is higher.Second,in the two measuring methods,the per capita income and per capita consumption of the employees'families generally decline as the degree of forest dependence increases.Third,in the two measuring methods,the specific income,consumption structures and living conditions of the employees'families all show different trends with the increase of the degree of forest dependence.Fourth,the relative forest income method overestimates the degree of forest dependence of the employees'families to some extent,while the results measured by using the forest dependence index method are more consistent with the actual situations of the employees'families in the key state-owned forest regions,because it can answer the questions of how much,how and why the employees'families depend on forests.Therefore,the forest dependence index can become an effective basis for identifying vulnerable groups in policy making,so that the policy priorities are tilted towards the employees'families with the highest degree of forest dependence and the lowest living standards,and the funds of natural forest resources protection project have a greater effect on people's livelihoods.
作者 朱洪革 张晓蕾 逯志刚 ZHU Hongge;ZHANG Xiaolei;LU Zhigang(College of Economics and Management,Northeast Forestry University,Harbin 150040,China)
出处 《林业经济问题》 北大核心 2022年第6期578-588,共11页 Issues of Forestry Economics
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(20BJY167) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(2572021DT12)。
关键词 森林依赖 森林依赖指数 相对森林收入 重点国有林区 forest dependence forest dependence index relative forest income key state-owned forest regions
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