展会概况美国国际安防展(ISC West)由世界第一大展览公司励展(美国)主办,美国安防行业协会(SIA)和加州警报协会(CAA)支持和认可。该展会于每年春季在美国西部城市拉斯维加斯举办,2014年将举办第47届。ISC West是业内公认的全美规模最大的安防展会。一直以来,业内人士都把美国西部国际安防产品博览会看作美国安防行业的晴雨表。
ISC West is the security industry's premier launching pad for new products,solutions and technologies in the U.S.Each year,ISC West hosts over 1,000 international and domestic security product manufacturer companies and over 23,000 security professionals in Las Vegas.Currently,ISC West is completely sold out with sales projections pacing towards a ten percent growth in show floor space making ISC West the largest exhibition hall in the US for security.