

On the Transcendence of Whitehead's Process TimeView to Mechanical Time View--Cancel"Absolute Existence"with"Procedure"
摘要 与牛顿经典力学伴生的绝对时间观演化成为一种机械时间观,机械时间观在现实生活中呈现为测度时间,而对世界机械化解释的反对可追溯到近代德国自然哲学。现代意义上对机械时间观的批判最具代表性之一的是怀特海的过程时间观。怀特海的过程时间观是建立在其过程本体论的世界观之下的,主张以“过程”取消“绝对存在”,是对牛顿机械时间观更深刻系统的批判,也是对柏格森绵延时间的一种发展。怀特海认为现实世界是一个个现实实有不断合生和转变的过程,基于过程的事件才是时间的本质。绵延不仅是时间的特性,也是自然的特性。事件就是处在时间和空间之中的现实实有的过程。时间不仅处在自然的流变之中,同时也处在心灵的流变之中。 The absolute time view is associated with Newtonian mechanics,which is further formed as a mechanical time view.Mechanical time is presented as measurable time in the daily life.The opposition of the mechanization of the world can be traced back to modern German natural philosophy.In the study of modern time view,the most representative critique of the mechanical time view is Whitehead's process time.Whitehead gave a profound criticism of the view of mechanical time,and proposed the view of process time based on Bergson's conception of duration time,Whitehead believes the real world is a continuous process of concrescence and transition.The events based on the process are the essence of time.Stretching is not only a characteristic of time but also a natural characteristic.Events are real and actual processes in time and space.Time is not only in the rhythm of nature,but also of mind.
作者 石艺 SHI Yi(School of Marxism,Guangxi Vocational and Technical Institute of Industry,Nanning 530000,China)
出处 《甘肃理论学刊》 2023年第1期77-85,共9页 Gansu Theory Research
基金 2022年广西中青年教师科研基础能力提升项目“怀特海过程时间观对机械时间观的超越的探索研究”(2022KY1278)的阶段性成果。
关键词 机械时间 现实实有 绵延 过程时间 mechanical time actual entities duration process time
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  • 1Whitehead, Alfred N., 1947, Essays in Science and Philosophy, New York: Philosophical Library.
  • 2Whitehead, Alfred N., 1958, The Function of Reason,Boston: Beacon Press.
  • 3Whitehead, Alfred N., 1966, Mode of Thought, New York: Harper & Row.
  • 4Whitehead, Alfred N., 1961, The Adventures of Idea, New York: Free Press.
  • 5Whitehead, Alfred N., 1978, Process and Reality: An Essay in Cosmology, New York:The Free Press.
  • 6Whitehead, Alfred N., 1971, The Concept of Nature,Cambridge: The University Press.
  • 7Whitehead, Alfred N., 1985, Symbolism: Its Meaning and Effect, New York: Fordham University Press.
  • 8Cobb, John B., Jr. & Griffin, David R., 1976, Process Theology, Westminster Press.
  • 9Griffin, David R., 1992, Spirituality and Society:Postmodern Visions, State University of New York Press.
  • 10Griffin, David R., 1993, Founders of Constructive Postmodern Philosophy, State University of New York.









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