
地方高等学校专项招收农村学生的现状与优化 被引量:3

The Local Special Admission Program to Enroll Rural Students:The Current Situation and Optimization
摘要 扩大高等教育的机会供给,特别是增加优质高等教育的入学机会,是世界各国为促进高等教育机会公平,普遍且优先采用的举措。对此,我国先后实施了国家专项计划、高校专项计划和地方专项计划,构建了重点大学面向农村和贫困地区倾斜招生的公平性政策体系。伴随我国进入脱贫攻坚成果巩固阶段、户籍制度深化改革、高等教育普及化和乡村振兴战略实施等宏观形势发展,原有专项计划政策体系面临着招生标准模糊、政策公平成效拓展乏力、与脱贫和农村地区发展衔接不足等问题。与国家专项计划、高校专项计划的定位、招生标准有所不同,地方专项计划由各地自主调控并制定方案,招生面向省内,对应分数段的学生规模更大,能够发挥更显著的倾斜作用。面对新的形势,地方专项计划应从公平出发,根据不同省份的政策供需情况,兼顾地方发展效率,向下放权“做足差异”,并在各省份扩展实施区域、增列承担高等学校过程中,更好地衔接本地社会经济发展需求,推动专项计划政策体系整体完善和普惠化发展。 An increase of access to higher education,especially access to high-quality higher education,is a fundamental initiative that is universally prioritized in different countries around the world to promote equitable access to higher education. To this end,China has successively implemented the National Special Admission Program,the Key University Admission Program and the Local Special Admission Program,and has built a fair policy system for key universities to prioritize the enrollment of students from rural and poverty-stricken areas. With the development of macro conditions,such as the consolidation of the achievements in poverty alleviation in China,the deepened reform of the household registration system,the popularization of higher education,and the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy,the original policy system for the special programs is faced with problems,such as ambiguous admission criteria,the poor expansion in policy fairness,and insufficient connection with poverty alleviation and rural development.Unlike the National Special Admission Program and the Key University Admission Program,which have admission standards at the national level,the Local Special Admission Program is regulated and developed by local authorities,and is used to enroll students at the provincial level;with a larger number of students likely to be enrolled,it can play a more significant role in priority over the enrollment of students from rural and poverty-stricken areas. Under new conditions,and according to fairness,the policy supplies and demands in different provinces,and the efficiency of local development,the Local Special Admission Program is supposed to allow sufficient differences through decentralization,and expand the areas for the enrollment of rural and poverty-stricken students and increase universities to implement the Local Special Admission Program at the provincial level so as to further cater to the needs of local socio-economic development,and promote the overall improvement and the public-interest development of the special program policy system.
作者 崔盛 田浩然 Cui Sheng;Tian Haoran(School of Education,Renmin University of China,Beijing 100872)
出处 《教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第2期101-111,共11页 Educational Research
基金 国家社会科学基金2020年度教育学一般课题“2020年后高校倾斜招生计划的公平成效和优化方案研究”(编号:BIA200200)的研究成果。
关键词 地方专项计划 农村学生 高考招生政策 乡村振兴 高等教育公平 the local special program rural student higher education admission policy rural revitalization equity in higher education
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